“If you continue doing that, we will embarrass the coachman.” His tone opposed his words and encouraged her.

“We will be very quiet,” she murmured, and he laughed.

“That is impossible, and you know it.” He took her face between his hands and kissed her deeply. When he pulled away, there was something odd in his gaze. “Have I ever told you that I want a large and happy family?”

“No, you never did.”

“It has been my wish for a very long time because I grew up alone. I did not think I could have it until very recently.”

“Why did you not think you could?” She tenderly touched his jaw.

Rhys closed his eyes and shook his head. “I do not deserve it.”


“We are here,” he said, his demeanor changing entirely. He had given her a glimpse of what he truly wanted from their marriage but shut the door as quickly as he opened it.

A footman opened the door, and Rhys got down and offered her his hand, his face giving no hint of the vulnerability she had seen earlier. Her heart became heavy laden because of it, and she could not tease him for his missing cravat which was still in the carriage.

A large man was in the front hall speaking with Webster when they walked in, and the instant he turned around, she saw that it was William the Hammer, and he had a bruise on his right temple which did not surprise her in the least because of his chosen profession.

Rhys, however, had grown stiff beside her. “I did not expect you so soon,” he said, and Elizabeth looked up at him with surprise. He knew William was coming, and he did not tell her?

“I traveled as fast as I could, My Lord,” William replied.

Rhys nodded. “I do not believe you have met Lady Guildford.” He turned to Elizabeth. “William the Hammer.”

William bowed to Elizabeth. “It a pleasure to make your acquaintance, My Lady.”

“Likewise, Mr. Westwood,” she murmured, something heavy settling in the pit of her stomach. Rhys keeping William’s visit from her and his changed demeanor had her unsettled.

“I will see you later,” Rhys said, lightly kissing her hand before leading William to his study.

As Elizabeth watched them retreat, she became certain that something she was not meant to know about was happening, and fear and anger began to roil within her.