“Lord Guildford is here,” the butler announced as Elizabeth was finishing her breakfast the following day.

A flutter that was a result of both uncertainty and anticipation began in her stomach, and she rose from her chair at the same time that Irene did. Elizabeth had breakfast with her family, and although Irene and her father behaved toward her as they always had, her mother remained cold and distant. She endeavored not to be bothered by it or at least appear not to.

She went to the drawing room to meet Rhys with Irene, and the flutter inside her only increased at the sight of him. He stood near the fireplace with his hands clasped behind him, and at that instant, he looked more like the Master of the House than a guest.

After greeting each other, they all sat, and his contrition was visible when he spoke to Irene. “I apologize and acknowledge my fault, Lady Irene, and I hope you will forgive me.”

Irene smiled. “We were never a match, My Lord. I think we both knew that. I confess that my affections are engaged, and I never would have accepted your offer if you had made it.”

His eyes met Elizabeth’s for a moment as he nodded before they returned to Irene. His gaze was brief, but she felt the intensity of it. “This certainly lessens my guilt,” he said. “I suppose there is a reason for the way the events in our lives happened. Still, I am not without remorse.”

“There is nothing to forgive, My Lord.” Irene reached for Elizabeth’s hand and smiled at both her and Rhys. “I only wish happiness for you and my sister.”

“Thank you, Lady Irene. I wish you happiness, as well.” He bowed his head briefly, and Elizabeth’s brow rose very slightly in surprise. His actions right then were of a man willing to make amends, and something tender slowly began to unfurl inside her.

“Will you make me a promise?” Irene asked suddenly, and Elizabeth felt her back straighten.

“If it is within my power,” Rhys replied.

Irene’s expression turned serious. “Will you promise to take care of my sister?”

Rhys’ eyes were on Elizabeth as he answered. “I promise. She will want for nothing, and I will not allow her to get into any sort of trouble.” She remembered the night he found her at the docks and supposed he was referring to that as trouble. A nervous shiver ran down her spine.

Irene grinned before she rose and curtsied. Rhys rose, too. “Thank you, My Lord. I shall excuse myself now.” She gave Elizabeth an encouraging smile before leaving the drawing room.

Rhys came to sit next to Elizabeth on the sofa. Her lips curved in a smile, and he returned it, making her think that he might actually want to marry her. He took her hand and raised it to his lips. His eyes held hers as he kissed the back of her hand, and she was glad she did not wear her gloves after breakfast, because then she would not have felt the heat of the kiss as intensely as she did.

“My father told me of your offer,” she said, leaning slightly toward him without intending to.

“Will you marry me, Elizabeth?” He turned her hand, and his gloved thumb stroked her palm, waking her senses. Her heart beat faster, and her throat dried.

“Is seduction your means of ensuring I agree to marry you?” she teased, and he grinned wickedly.

“I cannot allow you to slip away from me. There is a great force between us that I no longer wish to fight.” His thumb traced a line from her palm to her elbow, and she shivered.

“I did not think you had any proclivity to be romantic,” she murmured.

“And I did not think you could make a man wait with his breath held for your answer,” he responded.

“Ah, but you are not holding your breath now, Rhys.” She chuckled.

“Do you want me to hold it?” His voice was a sensual whisper that made her wish he could kiss her. Her body was ready for his touch.

“No, I will show you mercy.” She glanced at the ajar door, wondering if anyone could see the lines he was drawing on her arm.

“What is your answer, Elizabeth?” he whispered.

“I will marry you,” she replied breathlessly. How could such a light touch ignite her desire so?

“In three days?”


“I requested a special license yesterday, and I expect to have it soon. We should marry as soon as possible.” The corner of his mouth curved devilishly. “Although we already have all the encouragement we need.”

Elizabeth’s cheeks warmed. “Will that not confirm our guilt?”

“Society will make of this tale what they wish. Delaying our nuptials will bring on more speculation,” he explained. “Marrying sooner will make them forget quicker.”