Rhys shrugged and tried to push thoughts of Elizabeth from his mind. He had promised himself that he would not touch her again, and although he still wanted her, he knew this was the best decision he had made since meeting her. He supposed it would be good if she married his cousin…if she could find harmony with him.
Mayton’s voice drew his attention back to the present. “You rarely work here. Did something happen?”
Rhys sighed and told his cousin what had occurred, and how his meeting with the Baron had gone. “He demanded recompense, but that will not be possible until I know who is behind this.”
“Yes, you must be certain Ingram did not tamper with his goods to trick you,” Mayton said. Rhys nodded, but he did not think Ingram would do that. They had been doing business together for three years, and no such thing had occurred until now. It was possible, but Rhys was confident in the man’s honesty.
Mayton spent another hour with him before he left, and Rhys remained in the office until midnight. As he prepared to leave, he caught movement through the window. There was hardly anyone about at this hour which was why Rhys was immediately on guard.
He retrieved a pistol from the bottom drawer of his desk and hid it in his coat then he stepped out of the office, hiding behind stacked crates near the door. Some yards to his left was a small cloaked figure. Nothing was threatening about the man, and Rhys was about to return to the office when a tall man approached the smaller man. They exchanged something, and the tall man hurried away.
Rhys watched the cloaked man linger before he began to walk toward his office. He contemplated remaining as he was, but there was a dishonest air about the man that he could not ignore, and considering his proximity to Rhys’ office and what had recently occurred in his business, he felt he had to ensure the man was not here for him.
Rhys stepped out of his hiding place, and the man stopped under a lamplight. His cloak was drawn to conceal the top half of his face, but Rhys noticed how small he was.
“You there!” Rhys called. “What are you doing here?”
The man turned and began to run. Rhys chased him. They ran between two buildings, and he was able to catch up to him. Rhys grabbed his shoulder and pushed him against a wall, tugging his cloak down.
He stopped breathing when he saw that it was not a man but Elizabeth. Before he could find his voice, however, her fist met his jaw, and her boot found his shin.