“I think it might be true this time.”

“Lady Elizabeth,” the Dowager called, and Elizabeth’s shoulders grew rigid, surprised the woman could hear what they said from where she was. “Are you in the habit of reading Mr. Myers’ works?”

“Certainly not, My Lady,” Clarice quickly answered or rather, lied for her. “I do not allow my daughters to read such nonsense.”

“But her conversation with my nephew would suggest otherwise, Lady Winston.” It would appear the Dowager was intent on embarrassing Elizabeth and her family this evening.

“I confess that I indulged without my mother’s knowledge,” she said, keeping her voice calm. She could feel the disapproving look her mother gave her.

“Lady Irene,” the Dowager smiled coolly at Irene, “I hope you are not like your sister. If you are to marr—”

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Rhys greeted as he walked into the room. The glance he gave the Dowager held a warning which told Elizabeth that he had heard some of what had been said. She was glad for the timing of his arrival because it took the attention away from her.

The butler came to announce that dinner was served, and Mayton offered to walk Elizabeth to the dining room while Rhys walked Irene.

“Lady Elizabeth, I am sorry,” Mayton apologized as they brought up the rear of the party walking to the dining room. “I did not know my grandmother would hear and voice her criticism so harshly.”

“You do not need to apologize, for it is not your fault, Lord Mayton,” she assured him.

“I feel as though it is, and I shall watch my words henceforth.” He gave her hand a light pat, and she mustered a small, grateful smile, feeling less embarrassed.

Rhys sat at the head of the table, Irene was seated on his right, and Clarice on his left. The Dowager sat at the other end with Lord Mayton and Lord Winston on either side of her while Elizabeth sat in the middle next to Mayton. She found where she was rather comfortable and hoped to have a peaceful meal.

“Lord Guildford, I would like to thank you for inviting us to spend some time in your estate in the country,” Joseph said as they began to eat, and Rhys’ fork froze midway to his mouth.

He set the fork down and glanced at the Dowager before replying, “It is my pleasure, Lord Winston.” He sipped his wine again and glanced at the Dowager a second time, his brows furrowing for a moment before smoothing.

He did not invite us,Elizabeth surmised as she studied his expression.

“My dear, tell them about Guildford Castle,” the Dowager urged him.

“It is a pleasant place south of Dorset, and it sits on a hill that overlooks the sea,” Rhys said with what looked like a stiff smile. “You will appreciate it if you are fond of the sea.”

“We are very fond of the sea, My Lord.” Clarice beamed. “Especially Irene. She loves to walk along the shore. Do you not, my dear?”

Irene nodded and smiled before giving Elizabeth an anxious look. Irene was not fond of the sea; in fact, she disliked it. Elizabeth felt sorry for her because she would be forced to walk along the shore with Guildford when they traveled to his castle. Elizabeth was still thinking of an excuse to remain in London even though she knew she would not find it. Her family would never travel without her.

“Are you fond of the sea, Lady Elizabeth?” Mayton asked pleasantly, and she felt Rhys’ eyes on her.

“I am.” She smiled. “I once thought I was made for the sea.”

“Once thought?” Rhys asked.

“I realized that I do not have a fish tail, My Lord,” she replied, and he began to laugh. Mayton and Joseph laughed, too, but the Dowager cleared her throat in disapproval, quickly ending the merriment.

Elizabeth was very glad when dinner ended, and they moved to the drawing room. As Mayton entertained the party with a story of one of his voyages, the butler walked in and whispered something to Rhys. Elizabeth was seated on a sofa adjacent to his chair, and she caught the word ‘shipment’.

Rhys’ countenance became serious, and he stood. “Please excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. There is a matter that requires my attention.”

Elizabeth hoped it was not trouble with his business which she knew about; however, she was pleased to have him leave the room because then her heart would stop beating fast. She had been keenly aware of him, and her body warmed with yearning every time she felt his gaze on her.

Another problem came when the Dowager yet again turned her attention to Elizabeth after Irene mentioned that she spoke a little French.

“I assume you speak French, too, Lady Elizabeth,” she said, her tone condescending.

Angry, Elizabeth replied with, “Oui, Madame, je parle couramment le français.” Her lips curved when the Dowager blinked. Telling her that she spoke the language fluently in French gave her ample satisfaction even though she was certain the Dowager would make her pay for such impertinence.

“Well…good.” The Dowager’s smile was stiff.

Elizabeth rose, deciding to remove herself from the room altogether. “May I be excused please?” she asked. When the Dowager nodded, she curtsied and walked out, leaning against the wall in the hallway and closing her eyes.

Perhaps she should not have responded to the Dowager in that manner, she thought, but she had been angered by the unending comparison and still was.

She walked down the hall, and when she saw a footman, she asked him where she could find the library. She could hide there until it was time to leave. Following the directions given by the footman, she found the library and shut herself inside. Sitting in a chair near a window, she removed a small book from her reticule and opened it to read what she had written on a small sheet of parchment. It was a list that was meant to serve as a reminder of why she should keep away from Rhys.

“He is an insufferable ass,” she read the first line to herself. “I cannot tolerate such a man”

The door opened, and she quickly closed the book with the list between the pages and placed it on the table. When she looked up to see who interrupted her solitude, she found Rhys, and he did not look pleased to see her there.