Page 61 of Wolf Desired

Nova,I called out to her as I approached Bishop’s door. There was a chance she wasn’t in the Residence or even on the Residence’s ground, and while I had the greatest telepathic reach in the pack, I still wouldn’t be able to reach her if she were at the hospital.

Thankfully, as I opened Bishop’s door, I felt her feathery mental touch indicating she’d heard me.

Where do you need me?she asked in her Nova-the-physician voice, which still, every time I heard it, surprised me. She’d been more mischievous than Deacon and Bishop combined when we were growing up.

Bishop’s suite.

He hurt Bishop?she gasped, and I could just imagine the shock then deep worry flashing across her face before she was back in control of her emotions.

No. Knocked him out through their bond.I strode through Bishop’s sitting room to his bedroom, past the clutter of finished and half finished paintings, painting supplies, and musical instruments.

What about you and Deacon?

A shift and a good night’s sleep will suffice,I replied gruffly. I’d be exhausted for a couple of days but I’d be fine. I was more worried about Bishop. Knox had never knocked him out before and I was worried the mental blow had seriously hurt him.

The last time Bishop had pulled Knox back from the brink of going completely feral, he’d been exhausted and had a headache for a week.

Of course, the last time, Knox’s wolf hadn’t been furious with me and Bishop. He’d ended up surrounded by a crowd with no easy way out and had panicked. This time, his wolf had taken over because we’d collared him. To protect Audrey.

I bit back a growl at how stupid I was as Nova hurried into Bishop’s bedroom.

Knox’s wolf had wanted Audrey from the start. Even feral, the chances he’d hurt her were slim.

Nova set her medical bag on the floor by her feet, sat on the bed beside Bishop, and went to work checking him over.

“His pulse is strong, his breathing normal,” she said, pulling out a detection stone. It was mined near the underground lake where we got the water to make our elixirs and was imbued with some of the healing god’s power as well. It didn’t tell Nova what was wrong, but it did light up any area of the body that she needed to focus on. “Help me get him undressed.”

“If there’s nothing wrong,” I said pulling Bishop into a sitting position so Nova could take off his shirt, “can you wake him?”

Because he needed to wake up and fix what I’d fucked up with Audrey. Yes, she needed to hate me, not flash me shy, heated looks that made both me and my wolf want to claim her, but she didn’t have to be afraid of anyone else.

“I don’t know if I can, but it would be best if we let him wake naturally. I’ve never had a patient unconscious because of a soul bond.”


“Then after this, check on Deacon—”

Her eyes narrowed to the bloody mess I was still making of my pants and now Bishop’s bed.

“Fine. Check me out after I shift, then Deacon, then check on Audrey. I might have—”

“Been yourself when it comes to women you’re romantically interested in?” she asked in her driest possible tone.

“I’m not interested in her.”

Her expression didn’t change.

Yeah, I didn’t believe myself, either.