Page 38 of Wolf Desired

Cyrus wasn’t interested in me, he’d made that clear, and I was mated to his brother. That was the only reason he was being somewhat nice to me.

Another cloud covered the sun for a second and then another as a gust of wind swept down the ravine.

“We need to pick up the pace,” Knox said from behind us.

I glanced back, unable to stop myself from looking at him even though I was determined to give him just as cold a shoulder as he was giving me. But he wasn’t glaring at me for being too slow like I expected, he was glaring at the rapidly darkening sky.

“I remember there’s a cave halfway down the ravine,” I said as the first drops of rain splattered on the ground, darkening the rock.

“No,” Cyrus replied, shooting down my suggestion without giving it any thought. “We need to go up. Get out of here.”

I swept my gaze at the rocky walls on either side of us. They stood a good fifteen feet high and the bottom half was worn smooth.

Oh, shit.

Water smoothed rock meant the water in the ravine rose to above my head, and while we were in summer and could be standing in a dried riverbed, the more likely answer was that the ravine was a naturally occurring floodway during storms.

A heavy drop of rain plopped on my face and then another and another.

“I think there’s a fallen chunk of rock a short way down,” Bishop said.

Cyrus gave him a sharp nod and took off as Bishop scooped me into his arms and raced after him.

The fat drops quickly multiplied into a stinging, cold torrent, and the wind picked up with sharp bursts that stole my breath and made the guys stagger and fight against the force to keep moving.

I was drenched in seconds and forced to hide my face against Bishop’s shoulder to keep the downpour from my face.

We reached the rock, an enormous chunk of stone that had broken off the ravine’s side and slid to the bottom. Cyrus hopped up it with ease despite the blinding rain and turned back to us.

I’ll get to the top and pull Audrey up,he said in my head, not bothering to yell over the roar of the storm.

Hurry it up,Knox shot back, his gaze on the steady stream of water running down the center of the ravine, now deep enough to cover his feet.

Bishop hefted me up as high as he could, and I scrambled the rest of the way up the rock to the top, while Cyrus jumped and grabbed the top of the ravine wall.

But just as he was about to haul himself up, a jackal leaped to the edge and snapped its sharp teeth at him.

My pulse jerked as he dropped back down and landed beside me, crowding me to the side and making my foot slip. With a yelp, I wind-milled my arms, fighting to keep my balance, knowing it was a losing battle even if the wind hadn’t just gusted and pushed me over.

Fuck, Cyrus snarled and jerked forward, seizing my arm and yanking me up against his side, sending a flash of my fantasy rushing through my head.

But the heat vanished as quickly as it appeared. The rain picked up into a near-blinding torrent, the water level on the ground suddenly rising to Knox’s ankles, and above us, half a dozen jackals stood at the edge, snarling and snapping blocking our only escape.