Page 26 of Wolf Desired

“You do,” the voice whispered. “He hurt you. He hates you. He fucked you without you saying yes. He and his brother are going to continue to use you. Do it.”

“No,” I whimpered. I didn’t want to give up like that, didn’t want to accept that happily ever after was a ridiculous fantasy for someone like me.

“Do. It,” the voice screamed.

Something deep within me jolted and I screamed back, “No!” The wildness I’d felt when I’d dreamed of Knox surged. “Hell no.”

I wasn’t like my father. I was stronger than him, not as a shifter but where it mattered, where ithadto matter. I might be afraid and ashamed, and I might make myself smaller to avoid being noticed by the predators around me, but I didn’t give up.

I never gave up.

I always found another way, even if that meant being patient and suffering while I waited for the right moment.

“No!” I threw my head back and released a half scream half howl.

The wildness rushed through me, spinning me around and around, and the churning black sea pulled me into darkness again.