Sebastian nodded and smiled, looking around. ’Tis a bit bigger than what I have but I’ll keep it clean.”

Arthur grinned down at Noelle. “Perhaps Miss Upton can help.”

Leaving her standing there blushing, he hurried back to the others. “How can we find Guin?”

Viviane looked up at him and smiled. “Leave that to me.”

Noelle watched them disappear. One of the knights rode his horse into nothing and was gone, but the one they’d called Gawaine came to Sebastian.

“Greetings, Brother.”

“Brother,” Sebastian acknowledged then glanced at a shocked Noelle. “We have different fathers.”

“I will expect to see you in Avalon for the harvest.”

“No, I—”

“I will see you there if I must come and get you.”

“Still just as bossy,” Sebastian chided.

“Ifbossymeans I am the more handsome of the two of us, aye, I’m aware.” He laughed heartily on his way out.

Alone, Noelle turned to Sebastian. What was she still doing here? Why hadn’t she run already? She didn’t need this madness in her life. But she had to admit, her blood hadn’t pumped like this in years, maybe in forever.

She turned to him and stepped into his arms. She was immediately surrounded by muscle and the scent of peppermint and pine. “You sure do know how to make an impression on a first date.”

He laughed, sounding a little like Gawaine when he did.

Why hadn’t she run? She’d never run from anything in her life. She wasn’t about to start now. She coiled her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him.

“So do I call you Sebastian or Mordred?”

He drew her in closer. “Call me your love, your husband, lover, friend, protector, whatever you wish.”

“Oh, so you’re sticking around?” she asked playfully when he went for her neck.

“For as long as you will have me.”

Her face broke into a satisfied smile. “Alexa, play something festive.”

She didn’t resist when he cupped her face in his palm and tilted her head up. His mouth descended on hers, filling her with memories of a forbidden kiss they’d shared across time.

It was said the brooch brought you to your true love. Tonight, while she kissed Sebastian underneath the mistletoe, she believed it.