There was something quite intoxicating about Perin Marsh. Perhaps it was the way he held her in his arms, as though she was a precious gift and he treasured her. It was a very nice feeling. When they were forced closer amid the crush of dancers, she caught the scent of sandalwood on his skin. Her lips were almost at his neck.

Would he be offended if she touched her lips to him?

Dear heaven! What was she thinking?

“I was not looking at you for any unscrupulous purpose,” he assured her. “As for Fasswell, avoid secluded corners with that one.”

“Have you appointed yourself my guardian angel? Should I not be avoiding you, as well? Your purpose may be honorable, but surely you know you are dangerously appealing.”

“Lady Aurora, I would never hurt you.”

She met his gaze. “Out of respect for my family?”

Did he have to be so breathtakingly handsome?

He cast her a melting smile. “Out of respect for you.”

“That is a lovely thing to say, Mr. Marsh. Oh, may we not be so formal? Please call me Aurora. May I call you Perin?”

“Yes, I’ve always found these polite formalities too constraining.”

She fell silent, waiting for him to say more. “Perin…”

“Yes, Aurora?”

“Is there not something more you wish to say to me?”

He seemed confused for a moment, then nodded. “Forgive me. I ought to have complimented you on your appearance sooner. You look enchanting, easily the most beautiful young lady at the ball.”

She thanked him politely. “But that wasn’t my point. Are you not going to ask me?”

He frowned lightly. “I do beg your pardon, but what is it that I am supposed to ask you?”

“Why are you here, Perin? You’ve suddenly burst into my life, and I don’t know what to make of you. I never expected you to show up at this elite ball or ask me to dance. You mentioned your intentions were honorable. Does this mean you wish to marry me?”

He stopped short.

Other dancers bumped into them.

He drew her away from the crowd and toward the balcony doors. “Aurora, you cannot be serious. Yes, I have knownofyou since childhood. But as you’ve pointed out, we had never met until introduced yesterday at the tearoom. I have not even kissed you.”

“That is easily remedied, is it not?”

He stared at her for an endless moment.

Was he going to kiss her or not?

What was the point of gazing at her with fire in his eyes if he planned to do nothing about it? Or was she behaving no better than her crass friends? She supposed they were a bad influence on her, emboldening her to say things she would never have otherwise.

He glanced around. “Come with me.”

In the next moment, he nudged the doors open and drew her out onto the balcony. Snow fell around them, and there was a sting to the cold air. The moon was obscured because of the snow, but torches had been lit along the balustrade to provide some light for those brave souls who dared to step outdoors.

He drew her to one of the dark corners and opened his jacket to wrap them both in it.

“Does this mean you are going to kiss me now?”

“Of course, I am. Blessed saints, you are beautiful,” he said, crushing his mouth to hers and proceeding to kiss her senseless.