He watched Aurora’s parents as they stood together. Tynan and Abigail, that is what he had called them when first meeting them as that brash boy. He could see how much they still loved each other, the little gestures of affection, the way their eyes lit up when they looked at each other.

As a wealthy earl and rakishly handsome rogue in his day, Tynan could have had any woman he wanted, even after marrying Abigail. But these Braydens never strayed. Nor did the men in Abigail’s family, the Crofts.

Could he be like them?

Faithful to one woman all his life? He had not believed it was possible until meeting Aurora tonight. His heart could not get enough of her.

Is this how love felt?


Aurora’s mother drew him aside to ask him more questions about her brother and his family. “Tynan and I are determined to visit Torquay this summer. It has been too long since we last saw Peter and Annie. Their boys are growing so fast, I cannot keep up with their misadventures. Annie must have her hands full.”

As they spoke, he noticed a young man approach Aurora and ask her to dance. Pain tore through him when she accepted and walked onto the dance floor on his arm. What else was she to do after he had spurned her?

But how could he ask her to marry him?

Knowing her in his dreams did not count. They could not ignore the reality of what he was. He did not belong in this elite circle.

He did not like her friends.

And what of her family? Was stealing Aurora’s heart any way to repay them for all the kindness they had shown him?

He would never fall so low as to ever hurt them.

“Perin,” Aurora’s mother said gently, “you wear your heart on your sleeve.”

“Aurora is someone quite special. You needn’t worry that I will ever embarrass her or you,” he assured her. “I know who I am and where I come from.”

She frowned. “Is this what you told Aurora? No wonder her eyes lost their sparkle.”

His expression turned grim. “I should not have danced with her.”

Lady Westcliff arched an eyebrow. “Nor should you have kissed her. Oh, do not look at me aghast. I am not going to say anything to Tynan. He will choke you if he knew.”

“This is precisely why I will not see your daughter again. Not that I am afraid of taking a few punches. It would not be the first time I’ve had the stuffing kicked out of me. My only concern is for Aurora. She is an angel. I never want to hurt her.”

“And you think staying away from her is the right thing to do?”

He nodded. “I may as well give you my personal apologies and back out of your invitation to your supper party on Friday. It is for the best, I think.”

Lady Westcliff’s expression turned pained.

Great, now he had insulted both mother and daughter.

“Do not be angry with me, Lady Westcliff. Your daughter is a lady. I am no gentleman.” He bowed over her hand. “I have overstayed my welcome at this ball. I bid you good evening. It was a pleasure to see you again.”

He nodded to the earl and strode out.

But he had not made it more than a few steps outside the ballroom when he was suddenly surrounded by the Dishonorable Rodrick Fasswell and five of his friends. Rodrick gave him an unfriendly shove. “Who said you could dance with Lady Aurora? You are not fit to polish her boots.”

“Put your hands on me again, and I will break it,” Perin shot back, perhaps not one of his brightest comments. But they were just outside the ballroom, guests close by, and footmen bustling in and out. Were he to be attacked by these oafs, they would not land more than a few punches before the fight was broken up.

Rodrick attempted to shove him again. “Keep away from her, vermin.”

He’d warned the man.

He grabbed his arm and twisted it until Rodrick fell to his knees with a howl. But he was careful not to break the bounder’s arm, although the wretched lord deserved far worse.