“And they will like you, too, my son. Finish up, everyone. We will leave in an hour for Evie’s.”

Luke left the children with their nursery governess and went to his study, perusing the morning’s post and taking care of a few business matters. Caroline entered and came to him, sitting on his lap and wrapping her arms about his neck. She gave him a lingering kiss, which he relished.

“The carriage is waiting for us,” she told him. “The children are excited.”

He chuckled. “They have visions of macaroons dancing in their heads.”

She framed his face with her hands and kissed him. “Just as their father does.”

Scooting from his lap, she took his hand and they went outside to the carriage. He handed up his wife and joined her inside. Fortunately, they had an extraordinarily large carriage. If they kept having children, they might have to commission another one or start traveling in two vehicles instead of one.

When they arrived at Evie’s, Luke got their attention and said, “Remember that this is Mama’s place of business and you want to act in a way that will make her proud.”

“But we get to have macaroons, don’t we?” asked Cora.

“Of course,” Caroline told them. “And you will also be allowed to choose one new book to take back with you to Fairhaven.”

They clapped their hands with glee and Luke exited the vehicle, helping each of them down before going and opening the door to Evie’s. The children hurried inside and made a beeline straight to the tearoom.

“I will spend a good hour or more with Mr. Walton,” Caroline said. “Probably another one with Mr. Stinch. Can you handle the children?”

His brows arched. “When have I not been able to handle them?”

“Not too many sweets,” she warned.

Luke lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. “Of course not, my love.”

Her lips twitched in amusement. “You say that to my face yet something tells me they will be stuffed with sweets before we leave.”

He shrugged. “Ah, you know Mrs. Stinch and Mrs. Baker. They always want us to sample a little of everything, especially if they are trying something new for the menu.”

She sighed. “Then at least get a sandwich in them first. I don’t want them to behave as savages.”

“They never do. They always eat and then are engrossed in their books. Go, love. Take care of what must be done. We will be perfectly fine.”

He kissed her lightly, hearing a few titters. Years ago, he would never have displayed any kind of affection in public.

But then, years ago, Caroline hadn’t been in his life.

It had become a tradition in the St. Clair family for married couples to openly show their affection for one another. Regular customers at Evie’s had witnessed numerous occasions when this occurred. Even at a few ton affairs, it wasn’t unknown for a St. Clair to kiss his or her spouse, scandalizing Polite Society.

Caroline left for the back offices, greeting Mr. Stinch as she passed him. The bookshop’s manager came toward Luke.

“Good morning, Stinch. How are things going?”

The former butler nodded, smiling. “Very well, Lord Mayfield. I have everything organized for Lady Mayfield to take a look at upcoming orders. There is also a book signing to discuss with her. Her Grace’s publisher called at the store two days ago and informed me that the newest children’s title will be released a week before Christmas. Her Grace has already consented to do her usual reading and signing.”

Her Grace was the Duchess of Everton, Jeremy’s wife and Luke’s sister-in-law. Catherine authored children’s books and Caroline had begun the practice of having Catherine read to a group of children and their parents, followed by signing copies of those books purchased at Evie’s. That would mean another trip to town in that week before Christmas occurred. Caroline liked to come in to London once every month to six weeks from the country in order to check the status of her two businesses. He did the math in his head and decided she would be close to six months along by Christmas, if all went well. He didn’t like her traveling in the coach when she became that large because it was uncomfortable for her.

That made him decide that they should host the St. Clair Christmas this year and have his whole family come to Fairhaven to stay. He would write to everyone about the idea once they arrived back at Fairhaven tomorrow afternoon.

“I do have something to show you, my lord,” Stinch continued. He glanced about and then back at Luke. “That something you were looking for to give to Lady Mayfield. Actually, two somethings. Shall we go to my office?”

“Of course, Let me check on the children first. I will be with you shortly.”

Luke went to the far side of the bookshop, which had a large arch and opened to the tearoom. Bookshop patrons could go directly from purchasing books to the tearoom without ever having to step out into the weather, though there was a separate outside entrance for those only wishing to visit the tearoom itself.

He entered and saw none of his children present. A moment of panic occurred and then he realized they were all in the back where the ovens were kept. He waved at two of the women who acted as servers and then ventured into the kitchen, where he saw Mrs. Stinch and Mrs. Baker.