Boy swallowed hard. “You really mean it, don’t you?”
“I really mean it. I never say anything I do not mean. We want you, Boy.”
Luke saw indecision and then hope skitter across the boy’s features. Then he saw a decision had been made.
“I will come with you, my lord. I just hope you won’t think this is a mistake.”
He rose and pulled Boy to his feet, wrapping his arms about this new son.
“I will never regret this day, Boy. None of us will.” He paused. “Do you have a name other than Boy? Jack Blumer, the runner, said you were going by Boyd.”
“It’s my name, my lord. My true name.”
“Call me Papa, Boyd St. Clair. I am—and will always be—your papa.”
Luke embraced his oldest son.
And couldn’t wait to bring him home to Caroline.