“Yeah?” Her smile is soft.
“It’s weird, isn’t it?”
“What is?”
I reach for another sandwich. “Well, we used to call each other names after the games, and now I’m here in your room.”
She considers this, watching me chew. “I only did that to get your attention.”
I cover my mouth as I laugh around a mouthful of my ham sandwich. “Hey loser, you’re a fucking bitch!”
She starts laughing too. “In my defense, you knew who I was. Did you remember any of the other girls on my team?”
“No,” I admit, suppressing a smile.
“Have you iced your jaw?”
“It happened right before you picked me up.”
She blows out a heavy breath and looks away. “Fuck, Remi! You need to tell someone!”
I’ve lost my appetite, so I place the half-eaten sandwich down on the tray. “I can’t!”
“But why? What he’s doing—it’s wrong!”
“You don’t get it! My dad—”
She cuts me off, “What about him?”
“He…” I start, but fall silent. I’ve never talked about this with anyone.
“It doesn’t matter.” I go to stand, but she grabs my elbow.
I stare at her hand on my arm and whisper, “He hurts me, Legacy. If I don’t do what he wants, he’ll make sure I regret it…” I drift off, looking away. “I can’t take the risk. You don’t know him. He’s dangerous.”
“What does he do to you?”
My eyes blur with tears. I hate being weak in front of her.
“Does he touch you?”
My face collapses.
“Oh god!” She wraps me up in her arms. “Remi, I’m so sorry!”
I cling to her as sobs rip through my body. I’m good at keeping my emotions under lock and key, but the dam has burst.
“What are you going to do?” she asks, wiping mascara-streaked tears from my cheeks with her thumbs.
“There’s nothing I can do. It’s why I messaged you. I needed to get out of that house for a while.”
“You can stay here for as long as you want.”
She shifts on the bed, puts the throw pillows on the floor, and pulls the sheet back. I lie down, and she slides in after me, plumping the pillow.