Legacy doesn’t question him as we enter the girls’ bathroom further down the hall. She doesn’t sneer at me either, which is weird.
“The stall at the end,” he orders, shoving me inside first. Legacy removes her gum and pops it in the toilet behind us as Zayd steps inside and locks the cubicle door.
Confused, I watch him plant his feet and lean back against the door, quirking a finger.
“Come here.”
I give Legacy a quizzical look when she steps forward and runs her palms over his hard chest.
“You too, Remi!”
“Err, okay?” I take a hesitant step forward, observing him as if he’s something dangerous that might snap at any minute. A toilet flushes nearby while he plays with tendrils of our hair before palming our breasts.
“Zayd?” I ask, glancing at Legacy, who sucks on his thumb as if this is business as usual.
“Unzip my jeans,” he orders me, sliding his hand into my hair at the back of my neck and fisting it tightly.
He tightens his grip to the point of pain. “Which photograph do you think your boyfriend will appreciate most?”
I glare at him as I roughly unbuckle his belt and lower his zipper, putting as much defiance into my actions as I can.
Pulling me forward, he slams his lips to mine, stealing a violent kiss that makes me feel things I shouldn’t. “Touch my dick,” he whispers against my lips before kissing Legacy. Unlike our kiss, theirs is more controlled and less frantic.
Zayd grunts into her mouth as I lower his boxers and jeans, palming his throbbing length. It’s thick, and my fingers don’t meet around him.
His warm hand lands on my shoulder and pushes me down on the floor. The hard surface digs into my knees, and I peer up at him through my long lashes. His thick cock stands proud in my face, drawing my eyes to the bead of precum collected on the tip. As I watch, it spills over and trails down his hard length.
Legacy kneels down too. Unlike me, she doesn’t need instruction. She grabs his cock, gives it a lick from root to tip, and then smiles at him. “Do you like that, baby?”
The bead of precum is gone.
His big hand, tangling in my hair, guides me closer to his cock, and he wets his lips. “Lick it, Remi.”
I look into his dark eyes that watch the scene unfold as if he wants to store it away so he can dissect every moment later. I dart my tongue out, surprised at the violent desire coursing through my body at the sight of him above me.
His silky cock is warm to the touch. Warm and delicious.
He watches me trace my tongue over one of his veins while Legacy smirks at me and leans in to lick the other side. Who thought cock would be the thing to bond us?
“Fuck!” Zayd growls, pulling on my long hair.
His phone is in his other hand, capturing this moment. I’m digging my own grave. I know it, but I still don’t stop. Gazing into Legacy’s hazel eyes, I fist Zayd’s shaft and wrap my lips around the thick head.
She watches me suck on it leisurely. I’m so fucking aroused it should scare me.
“Look at me,” Zayd orders, cupping my chin. I release him, and my eyes travel up to clash with his.
Legacy sucks him down.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful!” he whispers to me, dipping his thumb inside my mouth, watching me suck on it.
Moaning, I stare into the camera.
I threw myself into this snakepit, and now I can’t climb back out – I’m not even sure I want to.
He pulls his thumb out and guides me back down to Legacy.