Page 44 of The Rivals' Touch

“Are you okay?” Brenda asks as we enter the busy cafeteria. “You look pale.”

I duck my head when I spot Zayd and Jacob in the lunch queue. The rest of the basketball team is already seated at their usual table. “I’m fine.”

She starts to reply just as Zayd whistles.


“Come with me,” I beg Brenda, but she gives me a look that tells me she would rather burn in the fiery pits of hell for all eternity than get involved with the school’s jocks.

“I’ll see you in class after lunch.” She walks away, weaving between the tables to sit with her friends. I would chop off an arm to join the chess club right now. Instead, my feet carry me over to the two dickheads with matching smirks on their ridiculously handsome faces. They’re clearly pleased to have summoned me like a dog.

“If it isn’t our little toy,” Jacob drawls, motioning with his hand at the food. “Make up a plate for me.”

“Am I your slave now?” I hiss as I grab a tray, plate, and cutlery.

“You only just realized?” Zayd says, looking bored, phone in his hand.

I pick out all the super healthy options that no person who’s right in the head would go for if given a choice. “I hope you like your greens,” I smile, piling on the green beans until they threaten to spill over the plate. “And your broccoli.”

Jacob smirks. “Feeling extra feisty today?”

My smile is sugary. “You have no idea.”

“Don’t forget my plate, but I’m not having that green shit,” Zayd tells me, looking up from his phone.

I roll my eyes and reach for another tray. “What would his majesty like? Pizza? A foot rub?”

His eyes flick up from the screen. “If you’re offering.”

I pull a disgusted face. “Ew! I’m not touching your feet!”

Jacob bites into a green bean, eyes sparkling with amusement. “Delicious! You sure know how to treat a man.”

If my smile turns any sweeter, I’ll start attracting bees. “I hope you get hit by a school bus on your way home today. That would truly make my day.”

He winks, taking another bite.

“I’ll have a burger,” Zayd says without looking up. His disinterest is getting on my nerves, and I don’t know why.

I heap a pile of green beans on his plate too, and to be extra nice, I pile on raw onion too, because why the fuck not? It’s not like he’s looking or anything. “Sure thing, brother. A burger it is. Want some fries with that?”

He types away, his eyes glued to the screen. “Please.”

Jacob laughs when I scoop up a spoonful of chopped celery and dump it on top of Zayd’s rabbit food. The cashier gives me a funny look as he rings it through the register.

I shrug and explain, “My friends here are on a diet.” Leaning in, I stage whisper, “They don’t want others to find out that they’ve got a bit of a belly, if you know what I mean. It’s not good for their street cred.” I tut. “They’re too young for beer bellies, don’t you think?”

I stack the trays and carry them over to their tables since they show no signs of lifting a finger.Lazy assholes!As they take a seat, I turn to get my own food, but Jacob pats his lap. “Sit down.”

I start to shake my head but think better of it when he quirks a brow. I lower myself down and smile at Abigail waving at me from across the table. This isn’t at all humiliating – note the sarcasm.

“Is she going to sit with us every lunchtime now?” Legacy sneers and her hoop earrings dangle as she crosses her arms.

“Got a problem with that?” Zayd asks, putting his phone in the front pocket of his jeans.

Her eyes snap to his.

“You make me hard,” Jacob whispers in my ear, his lips curving in a smile against my sensitive skin.