Page 93 of The Rivals' Touch

Her brows knit together in confusion. “What else do you want me to say?”

“So, you want me to fuck him?” What am I doing? Why am I seeking an argument?

“I don’t want you to fuck him!” she hisses, glancing around, aware of listening ears.

I cross my arms. “So, you told me to fuck Zayd, but you don’t want me to fuck him?”

A fellow cheerleader walks past, and Legacy smiles and says hi, then her fiery eyes are back on me. “Do you want me to forbid you from fucking him? Fine, I can do that. Don’t fuck Zayd!”

She walks off, leaving me even more confused.

The devil on my shoulder glares at the angel. “Now look what you did!”

“Wait!” I call after her as she steps inside the open main doors. I run up the last steps and weave my way through groups of students. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m just… I’m confused!”

She turns. “Do what you want, Remi!”

My mouth forms an ‘O’ but not out of surprise or shock. No, this is an annoyed ‘O.’

“Fine! I will!”


My shoulders deflate. I push past her and make my way to my locker. I’m a bitch, and I know it. Unfortunately for Legacy, she can’t win with me. I want her to tell me that she doesn’t mind, but then I feel as if she doesn’t care enough. And when she says no, I get annoyed because who is she to tell me what I can or can’t do?

“Bad morning?” Abigail asks as I open my locker. I didn’t even notice her waiting for me.

“I’m annoyed with myself more than anything.”

I smile at Brenda when she walks past with her friends. We haven’t spoken lately, thanks to Zayd and Jacob.

“What’s the saying? You’re your own worst enemy?”

I grab my books. “That’s me in a nutshell.” After closing my locker, I lean my shoulder on it. “Have you ever wanted someone to tell you yes, but also no? But then when they tell you yes, you get annoyed because they didn’t tell you no, and when they tell you no, you feel angry that they didn’t tell you yes?”

“Whoa!” Abigail holds her hands up. “Slow down!”

I sigh, hugging my books to my chest. “I want to be told yes. I know I do, so I don’t understand why I get upset when it’s not a no.”

“We women are confusing.”

I laugh airily. “You can say that again.”

“What happened to your jaw?”

I freeze, and the first thing out of my mouth is, “I fell out of bed.”

Abigail looks confused and replies disbelievingly, “You fell out of bed and hit your jaw?”

“Yep.” I start walking, cringing to myself. “I’ve added a bed rail to my birthday list.”

“When is your birthday?”

“Not for a while.”

“Oh, if it isn’t my favorite girl!” Jacob’s voice rings out behind me, making me roll my eyes.

I walk faster, but he catches up to me in three strides with his long legs. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”