“You’ve been kissing for what?” He checks the time on the dashboard. “Twenty minutes?”
After exiting the car, he ducks his head inside and grins at Zayd. “That must be a record. I’ve never seen you kiss anyone for more than a few seconds.”
Then he’s gone.
I throw open the door and scramble off Zayd’s lap.
What the fuck just happened?
Zayd looks confused too and rubs his palms over his face before stepping outside and pushing the door shut. His white hoodie is creased at the front where I clutched it, and there are drops of blood on it.
After discreetly adjusting his dick, he walks off.
Does he expect me to follow behind like an obedient little puppy? I shouldn’t do it, but the longing looks girls throw his way have me scurrying to catch up to him. “You shouldn’t have kissed me!”
“And you shouldn’t have wanted it, princess.”
“I didn’t!”
He laughs a deep, rich sound that makes my skin break out in goosebumps. “Keep telling yourself that.”
“Hi, Zayd!” a girl to our left calls out, and I burn her to a crisp with my death glare as we pass.
That’s my handprint on his cheek, you bitch!
God, I don’t like this side of myself. I’m a nice person, but I turn into a version of myself I haven’t seen before when I’m around Zayd. I’m possessive and jealous. “Don’t kiss me again!”
He takes the front steps two at a time. “Don’t piss me off again!”
“Don’t try to control me, and we won’t have a problem.”
He opens the door, but because he’s a class A dick, he doesn’t hold it open for me. “Don’t go against me, and we won’t have a problem!”
This guy… I want to pull my hair out!
“God, I hate you!” I growl, shouldering past him.
“I love it when you talk dirty. It gets me hard as fuck!” he calls out, making my cheeks blaze with embarrassment as I turn the corner.