“Hi, pumpkin.”
I look up from my phone as my father walks into the kitchen. I finish chewing the cereal in my mouth before replying, “Good morning.” It’s so rare for us to be in the same room. It feels weird when he puts his coffee down on the island and pulls out a chair. It’s like sitting next to a stranger at school. I don’t know what to say. Besides, my father terrifies me, and for good reasons.
“School going well?”
I swirl the milk in the bowl with my spoon. “Yeah.”
He nods as he unfolds his newspaper. It acts as a barrier between us. I’m more comfortable looking at the headline about a murder of a local young woman than I am looking at him. I scoop up more cereal hoops floating in the milk and bring the spoon to my lips.
“I’ve asked Donna to make enchiladas on Wednesday, since they’re your favorite.” He lowers the newspaper and stares at me over the edge.
Enchiladas are not my favorite, but I nod. “Okay.”
Satisfied, he disappears from view, raising the newspaper. “We’re having a family meal. I expect you at the table at 7pm sharp.”
I pause with the spoon in the air. We never eat dinner together.
He lowers the newspaper again. “Will that be a problem?”
I shake my head and stuff my mouth with cereal, so I don’t have to answer.
“We’ll see. How bad can it get? I wish you didn’t have practice so you could come with me.”
“I wish that too,” Bennett says as we enter the classroom.
Cali laughs behind us, and he winks at her over his shoulder.
“You’re a terrible liar!” I grin, pulling my chair out. Bennett doesn’t want to attend dinner with my dad any more than I do, and he’s glad to have an out.
Cali plops down in the seat next to mine, and Bennett sits at the desk behind us.
Alex saunters on by and continues past his usual seat.
“Where is he going?” Cali asks, intrigued and confused.
“Beats me!”
Bennett leans forward in his seat, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement. “He’s on the prowl.”
We watch him pull out a chair next to a girl from the debate team.
“What is he doing?” laughs Cali in disbelief.
I turn in my seat and glare at my boyfriend. “Please tell me you’re not encouraging him to go after innocent virgins now?”
Bennett lifts his hands up placatingly. “It’s got nothing to do with me!”
When I narrow my eyes, he laughs.
“He’s going to eat her alive,” Cali says next to me, her green eyes wide as saucers.
I follow her line of sight. Alex has his arm wrapped around the blushing girl’s shoulder and is sweet-talking her in typical Alex fashion.
“Someone needs to stop this train before it derails.” Cali scoots her chair back and walks over.
I press my lips together to stop myself from laughing. Cali and Alex constantly clash in weird and wonderful ways. He’s a player, and she disagrees with his behavior but adamantly claims she’s not into him.
“I bet you five bucks she pulls out the girl’s hair extensions,” Bennett whispers behind me.