When the lights turn green, his eyes flick open and he steps on the gas. “Thanks, babe.”
She sits back in her seat and wipes his cum off her bottom lip. “Any time.”
“Wow,” I say before I can stop myself, and she turns in her seat. “What did you say, bitch?”
I meet her blazing gaze. “Wow.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Her lipstick is smeared.
I lean forward. “It just means that you don’t have much self-respect. Zayd snaps his fingers, and you suck his dick.”
She sneers. “You’re just jealous that he didn’t askyouto suck it.”
I burst out laughing. “Is he even your boyfriend?” I look at Zayd. “Are you?”
He smirks, watching me in the rearview mirror with his brown eyes.
“We don’t need to put a label on things,” Legacy replies defensively.
“Right, right.” I nod as we overtake a car. “Whatever makes you feel better.”
She scoffs disbelievingly. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You do realize that you’re a nobody at Aycliffe High, right? You’re not even a geek. You’re nothing.”
I drag my eyes away from the pavement outside. “Do you realize that Zayd fucks at least ten other girls every week?”
Her eyes harden. She knows. She just chooses to ignore it. “You better shut your mouth, or I’ll shut it for you!”
Zayd chuckles as if this is the funniest shit ever.
“What’s so amusing?” I ask him.
He grins, checking the mirrors before switching lanes. “The claws are coming out.”
I pretend to laugh drily. “Hilarious.”
He winks at me.
“You’re not naive enough to think that your boyfriend will stay loyal to you now that you’ve switched schools?”
I look at Legacy. “We don’t all date jerks!”
She laughs as she turns in her seat and says to Zayd, “I can’t wait to watch her have her heart broken.”
He eyes me in the mirror while she laughs, but I ignore them both. I hate that she voiced my biggest fear. What will happen now that Bennett and I can’t see each other every day?