We enter a gated community and drive down a wide street lined with luxurious houses. Curious, I press my nose to the glass. I’ve only ever been to away games here, but we stuck to the high school and the nearby town center. This is a part of Aycliffe I didn’t know existed, and the affluence here rivals my father’s. He’s one of the wealthiest men in Hedgewood.
We drive up a winding road lined with Italian Cypress trees before coming to a circular driveway with a fountain in the middle. Okay, my father was never this pretentious when he bought our house. He settled for a pair of lion statues.
“Is that Zayd dribbling a ball?” I ask, pointing at the fountain.
My father cranes his neck to look outside. “Ah! Yes. Ariana requested it as an early wedding present.”
My eyes bug out. “I thought others were meant to buy you presents. Not the other way around.”
He closes his laptop. “Now is not the time for that smart mouth, Remi!”
I shut up. The statue is ridiculous.
The driver opens the door and tips his hat. “Welcome home, Mr. Burke.”
I step out after my father.
“Miss Burke.”
I smile at him as the gravel crunches underfoot. My chucks are worn, much to my father’s annoyance. If he had his way, I would wear pretty dresses and heels.
The front door opens, and Ariana walks down the steps while a group of hired movers empty the van of our belongings. Most of it has gone into storage.
“Oh, darling!” She kisses my father on the cheek and then beams at me. “Remi, how are you? Your room is ready for you.” She leads the way inside, talking nonstop. The rose bushes were imported all the way from the Middle East. The grass is Bermuda grass, so stay off it at all times. The house dates back to the dinosaurs.
I tune out as we enter the grand hallway with its sweeping double staircase in cream marble and a plush seating area at the back. The crystal chandelier on the ceiling reminds me of one too many horror movies. Someone always gets killed by one of those.
I give it a wide birth as Ariana tells us how the flowers on the circular glass table get changed for fresh ones every morning before breakfast. Apparently, she likes waking up to the smell of fresh lilies.
“Zayd is out with his friends, but he’ll be back later tonight.”
Oh, what a shame. Note the sarcasm.
“Your room is upstairs to the left if you want to have a look?”
Anything to get away from my father. “Yes, please.”
“Dinner is at seven.”
I ascend the steps. The wrought iron handrail feels cool to the touch. My father’s voice fades away as he and Ariana step around the corner.
I reach the top floor and look around. The banister overlooks the hallway downstairs. If a person fell from this height, they would die. That’s handy to know if Zayd pisses me off. I can always give him a shove.
I open the first door to my left, but the navy walls and black bedding tell me it’s Zayd’s bedroom. It smells of him too. I quickly pull the door shut and hurry along to the next room.
As I push open the next door, I glance at Zayd’s. I can’t believe I’ll be living wall to wall with him.
My boyfriend’s main rival.
After I enter my new room, I shut the door behind me and sweep my eyes over the dusky-pink walls. A gray bed with an upholstered frame sits in the middle of the room.
I drop my bag down on the floor and walk deeper into the room. White curtains move in the breeze from the open window. The décor is nice, but too girly for me. The walls in my old room were dark purple and covered in band posters and photographs.
My phone vibrates in my pocket, so I reach for it and swipe the screen.
Cali: Did you arrive yet?
I record a short video of my room.