My mind spun through the hundreds of outfits I’d briefly glimpsed. “Okay.”

Rolling back, he all but pushed me out of the bed with an eager grin. “Get to it. My balls are already so fucking tight they ache.”

I clambered out of his big bed, ignoring his wolf whistle as I hurried across the room.

Once I was in the storage space, I knew right away what I was going to wear. I’d seen it yesterday, and Mark’s comment about his balls hurting made me think of it right away. It only took me a few minutes of swishing through the rack to spot the bright white satiny material. Pulling the costume down, I smiled at the ultimate classic—the naughty nurse’s uniform.

Skintight, made of some kind of satiny spandex, it had the breasts cut out, with red crosses held over the nipples by thin strings. The short skirt would reveal the thigh highs that came with outfit, along with a cute little nurses cap. There were no panties, but there was a garter belt that had a red cross done in lace over the pubic bone area.

A hint of embarrassment wafted through me at the thought of wearing such a naughty outfit, but I brushed it away.

Dressing quickly, I gave the white platform shoes that were in a box on the floor a glance, then dismissed them. I could barely walk in regular heels, let alone seven-inch platforms. Smoothing the white satin over the curve of my belly I moved to the mirror I’d glimpsed behind a stack of boxes. When I saw my reflection, I gasped.

I looked sexy as fuck.

I mean like, I looked obscenely sexy.

An unusual feeling of power and desire fired my blood as I turned this way and that in the mirror. Distantly, I noted that my birthmark showed, but I just didn’t really care. I looked beautiful in this costume and knew Mark would lose his mind. Tucking my hair up into the little nurse’s cap, I then adjusted the red crosses that barely hid my painfully erect nipples and groaned. Shit, I was so turned on, and I hadn’t even seen Mark’s reaction to my outfit yet.

Pausing for a moment, I bit my lower lip. Should I come out of the closet in character? Mark said he wanted to roleplay, and he knew I was good at it. What can I say? I enjoyed pretending to be Slayla, living in a world where dragons and unicorns were real and I was an elf. How hard would it be to pretend to be a sexy nurse?

Rubbing my white stocking-covered feet on the carpet, I adjusted the clasps of the garters and gave myself one last look.

I should’ve been more nervous as I approached the door, but anticipation buzzed across my nerves as the cool metal of the doorknob met my fingertips.

Stepping out into the bedroom, I lifted my chin and said, “Sir, I heard that you’re feeling pain in your testicles. Is this correct?”

Mark stared at me with such hunger, my pussy practically quivered.

When he didn’t say anything, just continued to devour me with his gaze, I cleared my throat. “Sir, I’m very busy today. If you aren’t having any issues, then I should see to my other patients.”

His gaze snapped to mine, and a slow, dirty smile curved the edges of his firm lips.

Oh. My. God.

My hormones raged as he lay back in the bed, crossing his arms behind his head. The sheet pooled low on his waist, revealing his very healthy happy trail. His erection tented the fabric below, and I wanted nothing more than to slide all that thickness inside of me. I was greedy for him, aching for him.

“Forgive me, nurse. I am having some pain.”

“Well then, let’s take a look at your problem.”

Striding over to his side, I began to neatly, clinically pull the sheet down, then fold it at his knees, ignoring his jutting cock.

Instead, I ran my fingertips over his sensitive balls while saying, “Spread your legs, Sir. I need a better look.”

He quickly did so, and I had to hide my smile, trying to stay in character. “Oh my! They are swollen.”

Cupping his testicles gently, I used my fingertips to massage him, making him groan. “Are they tender?”

When I looked up, I found Mark watching me closely. “Very.”

Pre-cum leaked from the tip of his erection as I gave him a gentle squeeze. “Too much pressure isn’t good for your testicles. These seem really full. We’ll have to drain them.”

A smile tried to form on Mark’s lips, but he managed to fight it back. “And how will you do that?”

I gave him a wink that made him smile. “Why, Sir, I am the head nurse.”

Still massaging his balls, I used my other hand to hold his substantial cock in place as it throbbed in my grip. He was so aroused, and it made me terribly excited to know I was doing this to him, that I was the one in control of his pleasure. Or at least I had the momentary illusion of control.