“Bullshit. I saw you hold her the first night you met her on our security cameras. Now, you haven’t been a monk since your wife’s death, but you haven’t romanced a woman. You’ve fucked. But the way you cared for Layla, the look on your face…I knew this day would come. I just didn’t expect it to take this long.”

I slowly shook my head. “You’re one scary bastard.”

He flashed me a grin that was almost a snarl. “Thanks.”

Clasping my hands together, I looked down and rubbed my thumb over the space where my wedding ring used to sit. For a long time after I finally took it off, a dent had remained, the skin pale and untouched by sunlight. It used to comfort me to see the proof that I’d once been happy, once been loved. When I looked down at that tanned space on my finger now, I envisioned a new ring there. Not better, just different.

“What time do you want us there?”

“Let’s say seven. We’ll give her a micro-dose of the D128 instead of the usual amount. It won’t affect the programming, and I don’t want Layla heavily under its influence until things have calmed down. She’ll experience heightened arousal, but only enough to lower her inhibitions and help her accept her programming.” He moved over to my side and placed his hand on my shoulder. “You’re doing the right thing.”

“I sure fucking hope so.”

Chapter 12


Sitting next to Mark at the big round kitchen table, I stared at him, hoping my irritation would somehow make him burst into flames.

After Mark had come home from wherever he’d run off to, he’d pretended nothing was wrong. Oh, he’d apologized for running out on me, but he wouldn’t talk about what had made him so angry. He kept dodging my questions, and I finally gave up when he picked me up, put me on the counter, then stripped me down and ate me to orgasm twice. Then, while I was still dazed, he’d announced that we were having dinner with Hannah and Leo and had taken off to shower.

His behavior was weird, and it hadn’t improved since we arrived. I’d only seen Mark nervous a couple times, and this was one of them. He kept fidgeting with things, shifting in his chair and avoiding my eyes. And he’d straightened his pristine navy-blue button-down shirt at least fifteen times.

Yes, I’d counted.

Taking a deep breath, I forced my attention off Mark and onto Hannah.

She looked lovely tonight, wearing a pale champagne blouse and jeans. Casual yet classy. I wore a similar outfit, but my shirt was pink with a faint iridescent sheen. After Mark had left, Hannah came down to his house with a huge pile of boxes. Evidently Joy had done some online shopping for me and ordered me enough clothes and girly crap to see me through the next six months. Hannah said Joy was bored out of her mind now that her doctor had put her on bedrest, and she had nothing better to do than shop.

Joy, bless her, had also included the brand of coverup makeup I wore, so I once again had my mask safely in place.

Mark had frowned at me while I touched up my makeup, then casually suggested that I didn’t need to wear it around Hannah and Leo.

I’d snapped at him about minding his own business, and he’d left the bathroom after that.

My emotions whirled around in my head, and I barely tasted the delicious lemon and seafood pasta dish before me. We were in Hannah and Leo’s massive kitchen instead of the formal dining room, though this space was as well decorated as the rest of the house. The walls were a pale blue, and orange, yellow, and black Spanish tilework decorated the space beneath the pale wood cabinets. The table we sat at was big enough to fit eight people, and a lovely display of fresh purple, yellow, and red daisies decorated the center.

Setting down her cool, modern wine glass, Hannah smiled at me. “I totally forgot to tell you. Delores called me in a complete tizzy earlier. She said Dr. Mavis from last night contacted A Kid’s Best Friend and donated enough money for twenty new dogs!”

I sat up straight, my pulse racing with excitement. “Shut up. Really?”

“Yes! And that’s not all, Mrs. Pelter also contacted them, and she’s going to sponsor another twenty dogs.”

“Oh my God,” I slouched back into my chair, overwhelmed. “That’s…that’s a miracle.”

“One you made happen,” Hannah said, smiling brightly at me. “Well, you and Vali.”

We both turned to look at my good boy laying down with Honey on a big dog bed in the corner. They were so stinking cute together. Vali always had lots of energy, and in Honey he’d found a playmate who liked to run just as much as he did. Both dogs were dead to the world, and I think Honey snored softly.