She was already in danger.

There was nothing holding me back from making her mine.

My baby bear.

My woman.

My life.

“Where is she?”

“Your usual room.”

On nights when Leo was out of town, and I wasn’t with him, I’d stay in Leo’s house with Hannah, staying in a guest room just down the hall from their bedroom. Knowing that Layla was up there waiting for me made anticipation tighten my gut. I’d wanted this for so fucking long.

The corner of Diego’s mouth quirked up as I turned and left, my legs feeling like lead even as my heart thundered in my chest.

I reached the white door to the guest bedroom, and I was once again wide awake, an adrenaline surge clearing my muggy thoughts. Turning the handle of the door, I quickly stepped into the room, hoping Vali’s bark didn’t wake Layla up. The dog came up to me, and I crouched down, holding out my hand. “Hey, Vali, hey buddy, it’s me.”

Vali obviously recognized either my scent or my voice—god knows, he’d heard it enough—and he gave a whine as he nudged my hand with his head.

Scratching him, I said in a soft whisper, “I know, buddy. I’m also worried about her, but she’ll be okay. We’ll both make sure of it.”

My knees popped as I stood, and I pressed a fist into my lower back with a groan.

There was enough light seeping in around the edges of the curtains to show me the large sleigh bed across the room, the native American blanket tucked around a small lump with a mass of gorgeous dark hair.

I paused, looking down at my blood, dirt, and ash covered clothes, then at my filthy hands.

There was no way I could touch her like this.

She deserved nothing but the best. Since she was going to be stuck with me, I would try to make her life nothing but happiness. First, we just had to get through this rough patch.

I laughed to myself as I took a quick shower in the spacious bathroom attached to the guest room.

Yeah, someone breaking into her house then burning it down was just a little glitch.

No big deal.

The hot water eased my muscles, but it also slowed my thoughts. I was so fucking tired, but I managed to remove every trace of blood from my body. After getting out, I grabbed a tube of healing salve from the bathroom cabinet and tended to the worst of the cuts and scrapes. By the time I was done brushing my teeth, I was almost stumbling as I made my way through the room to the bed.

Karma could be a real bitch sometimes. Here I was, finally going to bed with the woman I’d been obsessing over for years, and I was so fucking tired I could barely keep my eyes open. I donned a pair of thin sleep shorts I kept in the almost empty dresser, then joined Layla and Vali on the bed. The dog sprawled out at Layla’s feet, and I gave him another rub down before sliding under the soft sheet.


Moving slowly so I didn’t disturb her, I laid on my back and gently pulled Layla over, so her head rested on my shoulder, curled up on her side. She wore a t-shirt, but her legs were bare as she shifted against me. With a grumble, she threw her arm over my stomach, and a leg over my thigh, clinging to me in her sleep.

Happiness burst through my heart as I held her close, reveling in the way she held me so tight.

My baby bear.

Chapter 8


My legs were pinned to the bed, and I tried to move Vali off my feet. He loved sleeping at the end of the bed at night, and often ended up slouched all over me despite the fact that I had a big queen-sized bed. While I enjoyed his snuggles, I didn’t like it as much when his fat butt made my feet fall asleep.

Barely awake, I grumbled as the weight on my legs wouldn’t budge.

Using more force, I freed one leg, only to realize that it wasn’t Vali’s body pinning me down.

It was a big, heavy male leg.

A furry one at that.

Thick, muscled arms tightened around me, and I was hauled back to a broad chest, the scent of a yummy men’s cologne mixing with male musk.

Forcing my eyes open, I took in the unfamiliar room around me and sucked in a sharp breath, trying to figure out where the heck I was.

Sapphire blue sheets, pale tan walls, Native American art and sunlight streaming in around the edges of unfamiliar bronze curtains.

My memories from the night before crashed over me, and I moaned.

My house, my studio…it is all gone.

At my whimper, a man’s achingly familiar voice said, “Hush, baby bear. I’ve got you.”

Disbelief filled me as I sat up. I found a shirtless Mark watched me with bloodshot eyes.