“Do you want to go back out there? We can go home if it’s too much.”

I was tempted to flee with my proverbial tail tucked between my legs, but I was also angry, and getting angrier by the second. He knew I was going to be here, and he’d brought a date. Then again, to be fair, I was technically there as Diego’s date, but that was different. For Mark to show up with a woman after canceling on me—yet again—was a very clear message.

I just couldn’t believe he’d be so cruel about it. True, he didn’t see me watching them, but he had to know I was there. After all, he was Leo’s right hand man. He knew his bosses every move. Hell, Mark saw me the moment I arrived. He might have even known I was watching him and decided to show me once and for all that—although he might act like my boyfriend online—in real life, he wasn’t interested. The tears threatened again, and I had to bite my lip to fight them back.

Vali whimpered a little as he licked my hand, and I sighed, letting some of my anger and hurt go. My sensitive boy picked up on my emotions, and he didn’t deserve to suffer because his owner was a basket case of emotions. Thank God for therapy, because I’d pretty much perfected the technique of getting myself back to an even keel. Of taking my bad feelings and compartmentalizing them away. Taking deep breaths, I held and counted to ten a couple times, my pulse slowing and my anxiety lowering.

Like I did a million times a day, I thanked God for Vali.

Which reminded me that I wasn’t just here for myself; I was here to do a job.

I knew what it was like to be a kid, alone and scared, wishing I had someone to love me, to look after me, to protect me. Vali did all that and more, and his love was unconditional. Pure, without the bullshit humans attached to the emotion. The day my first service dog came into my life marked a turning point for me—the moment my world went from darkness to light.

Standing, I firmed my spine and gave Hannah a forced smile. “How do I look?”

Hannah sighed and rolled her eyes. “Even after crying, you’re impossibly gorgeous. In fact, I think you’re even better looking than before. Crying brought some color to your cheeks and your eyes are sparkling instead of red and swollen. Ugh, it’s totally not fair. You’re one of the rare unicorn women who look pretty when you cry.”

Overwhelmed by her easy praise, I looked down at my dress, glad I hadn’t wrinkled the velvet while I knelt. “Well, as far as superpowers go, it’s a pretty sucky one. Leap tall buildings in a single bound? X-ray vision? Nah, I’d rather not get blotchy when I cry.”

Laughing, Hannah linked her hand through mine. “Ready? There are just two more people I want you to talk with. You’ve done amazing so far. Mrs. Vanderbeek was eating out of your hand, so don’t be surprised if you see a fat donation from her. I’ll introduce you to Dr. Mavis next. He’s a retired heart surgeon with a massive trust fund and an autistic son who has a therapy dog. Then there’s Mrs. Nalishi—she loves rescue dogs. She’ll like that A Kid’s Best Friend uses rescue dogs. Her sister actually runs a pit bull sanctuary down in Florida, so she’ll no doubt fawn all over Vali.”

“Wow, I’m impressed that you know all of this. Thank you so much for helping me.”

Nodding to our guards, Hannah looped her arm into mine as we walked back to the ballroom. “It’s my job. The big donor charity world is an odd place. Some people give because they want to help, some people give just to look good, and some people give because its expected of them due to their social station. I personally don’t give a rat’s patootie why they’re giving, so long as I can persuade them to give to organizations the Cordova Empire supports. It took me a while, but I’ve personally vetted each and every charity we endorse.”

Making our way into the main room, I lifted my chin and lengthened my spine, trying to walk with a confidence I didn’t feel. The bodyguards moved around us, but the room was more crowded now, and we didn’t have as big of a bubble as we used to. Voices, perfumes, and colognes all mixed together around me, and the room seemed hotter and brighter than before.

Diego stepped out of a throng of people, two thick men in black suits flanking his every move.

With his eyes locked on me, he purposely strode forward with an intent look on his face I couldn’t decipher.