Hannah joined us at the mirror. She studied me with pursed lips as Joy and I waited for her approval. “Almost perfect,” she declared.

“Almost?” Joy arched a brow. “She is stunning. Mark is going…”

She trailed off and my stomach bottomed out.

I turned in my chair, looking up at Joy. “Mark is what? I thought you said Mark wasn’t going to be there!”

“Well…” Joy trailed off and cleared her throat.

Hannah and Joy exchanged a guilty look, and I began to wring my hands as my anxiety rose. “Is he going to be there?”

“Maybe,” Hannah admitted while Joy played with the hairbrush, refusing to meet my eyes.

“Oh my God,” I panted. “He’s going to be there.”

“Relax.” Hannah rubbed my velvet covered shoulder. “He might be. I’m not sure yet. But if he is, you’ll ignore him.”


“You’re going as Diego’s date. It would be rude to flirt with another man while you’re on his arm.”

“But I’m not really his date,” I said quickly. “We’re just friends. Shoot, please tell me we’re just friends.”

“You are just friends,” Joy quickly assured me. “Diego’s not interested in you like that. He honestly enjoys your company and wanted to be there for you tonight.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Hannah said, “But, well, you see, ummm—Leo might have told Mark that Diego was interested in you. Soooooo…if Mark happens to show up tonight and sees you with Diego, maybe that’ll convince him to let go of his fear and man up.”

With a groan, I let my head fall into my hands. “You promised me you wouldn’t interfere! If Mark’s not ready for a relationship, I don’t want him forced into one with me just because you feel sorry for me! He rejected me, Hannah. He flat out told me we’ll never be anything more than friends.”

Joy sighed. “We aren’t doing this because we feel sorry for you. We’re doing this because we feel sorry for Mark. Well, feel sorry for and want to kick his ass for being an emotionally stunted moron. He wants you; he’s just too chicken shit to admit it.”

“His wife died,” I said instantly in his defense. “She was…well, it was an unpleasant death. I don’t blame him for still being screwed up about it. And I know he may never get over her…” My heart hurt to even say it, but I forced myself to continue. “Look, even if he does decide to date again, he isn’t going to date me. I know, I know, you say he’s totally interested in me but, ladies—let’s be honest. If he really did want to be with me, he’s the kind of man that would let nothing stand in his way. Not even himself.”

Neither woman had anything to say to that.

I blinked fast as I looked down at Vali, willing myself not to cry. His leash was bedazzled with crystals, and the sparkles grew slightly blurry as I sniffed back tears. It had been almost two months since the night Mark broke my heart, but it still hurt like a fresh wound. I never thought I’d be the type to pine away over a man, yet here I was, fighting back the never-ending ache in my chest and gut.

“Forget Mark,” Joy said suddenly. “Tonight isn’t about him. It’s about you. I am so fucking proud of you for taking this step that I can’t even stand it. You’ve worked so hard to get to this point, and I am amazed at your strength and determination.”

“Seriously,” Hannah said in a gentle tone as she rubbed my arm. “You are amazing. Leo, Diego, and I will all be at your side tonight, if you need us. We’ll make sure you and Vali are protected at all times. Anytime you need a breather, or if you want to leave, just let me know and we’re out the door, no questions asked. Okay?”

I gave her a watery smile, trying to swallow. “Thank you. That means a lot to me. You have no idea how much it helps to have someone I can trust with me. You’re a great friend.”

“Thanks,” Hannah croaked as her face grew blotchy. “Crap, now I’m going to cry and ruin my makeup.”

Fanning our faces, we laughed and fought back tears—the good kind.

“God, I hate being pregnant. I get so emotional.” Joy flopped back onto Hannah’s bed with an enormous grunt, then flailed her arms in our direction. “Help get these pillows behind my back so I can sit up.”

With a laugh, I stood and moved quickly to Joy’s side. Before I reached her, a chiming sound came from her purse, which she’d set on the moonlight-gray, marble-topped vanity in Hannah’s dressing room. The spacious room connected to the master bedroom. Yes, her house was so luxurious she had a walk-in closet and a dressing room branching off from the main sleeping area. I’d only caught a glimpse of the inside of her palatial home as Hannah and Joy hustled me deep into the house, eager to ‘play dress up’ as they put it.