“No.” Hannah smiled and took a sip of her tea before placing the mug back on the tray. “The ingredients are nothing as exciting as that. D128, that’s what they call the aphrodisiac, is legit science. It’s more along the lines of cutting-edge DNA research that is not public knowledge than ground-up bug.”

“Is it safe?”

“Absolutely,” Joy said. “Both Hannah and I have taken it.”

“Really?” I sat up on the couch with my legs crossed. “What’s it like?”

“Amazing,” Joy said in a dreamy sigh. “I can’t take it until I’m done breastfeeding, but as soon as Renee’s off the boob, Mama’s getting her some D128 dick for sure.”

Hannah must have seen my confused look because she added, “It’s like…you’re super horny, super excited, and sex is the best thing since sliced bread. You crave dick.”

I frowned. “What do you mean crave it? Like, if I took it and was at a club, I’d just start jumping random guys and screwing them?”

“No, no. Nothing like that. It’s not a date rape drug, it’s an arousal drug. You have to be aroused naturally in order for it to work. And it doesn’t manufacture arousal, only enhances what you’re already feeling.”

I must have gone as pale as I felt at the word ‘rape,’ because Hannah quickly pulled me into a one-armed hug.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” she said as she gave me a squeeze. “What I’m trying to say is this is simply a boost for couples in bed, not a replacement. It’s like…have you ever had drunk sex?”


“Well, it’s kind of like that.”

“But without the confused, drunk feeling,” Joy added. “You’re aware of everything. In fact, I’d say you’re really aware of everything. It’s super intense. Every touch, every kiss, feels a thousand times better.”

“And the orgasms,” Hannah said with awe in her voice. “Out of this world intense.”

“I want an orgasm,” I whined. “So bad. I can’t even get there by myself.”

“Ohhh, that sucks,” Hannah said while Joy added, “Fuck that shit. Get the D128 and go get your freak on with your man. That’s my advice.”

Hannah rolled her eyes at Joy. “What she said, but less crass.”

“You love it when I’m crassy,” Joy said with a grin.

Ignoring our friend, Hannah turned to me and placed her hand on my knee. “Seriously, if you want it, I’ll arrange to get you some. Just add it to your favorite beverage of choice—the exact, recommended dose only—and in a few hours, jump your man.”

“What if it doesn’t work?”

“It’ll work,” Joy as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

Hannah patted my knee again. “If it doesn’t, no big deal. Since Mark is tied up, you can still play with him. Give him a couple rock his world orgasms. Then you try again later.”

“What if…what if Mark gets tired of my…issues in bed?”

“Girl, you could put on a chastity belt for the next ninety-years and never worry about your man. Mark would still worship the air you breathe and the ground you walk on,” Joy said with a laugh. “That boy is whiiipppeed.”

Shaking her head at her friend, Hannah said, “What Joy means is you don’t have to worry about Mark ever leaving you. He loves you.”

“I haven’t met his family,” I blurted out, another worry of mine that had been bothering me. “I casually mentioned maybe inviting them out, but he blew me off.”

“He’s being careful with you,” Hannah gave a knowing sigh. “Leo gets the same way whenever I’ve been threatened. He wants to put me in a box and keep me safe from the world.”

“Ramon as well.” Joy trailed her fingers down her sleeping daughter’s back. “Though I can kind of understand it now. I’d do anything to keep my baby girl safe.”

“Same,” Hannah said. “So, while it is annoying as all hell when they get over-protective, just ride it out.”

“Ride it out,” I repeated. “Maybe I should ride him out until his balls are drained dry. He’ll be too tired to stop me from going to the mall then.”

Hannah and Joy burst out into laughter, making baby Renee let out a whimper.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Hannah said in a low voice while Joy gently hushed her daughter. “Men usually get pretty docile after they’ve had a good milking.”

We all giggled some more. When the laughter had passed, I sighed. “I’d like to at least try it. How long will it take to get some?”

Grabbing her phone off the table, Hannah began to tap away. “I can get it to you by tomorrow night.”

A warm tingle raced through my core, and I took that as a hopeful sign. “Excellent.”

Chapter 16


The sun was about to set as I strolled down the warm, wide paving stones leading to the pool area. Layla’s note on the kitchen counter asked me to put on my swimsuit and join her for a dip. She said she’d bought something new for the private deck area and wanted to show it to me. I liked that, little by little, she was redecorating our house to her tastes.