“Low blow,” Selena said in a furious voice before she paused, then said, “If at any moment I think Cameron is in danger, I reserve the right to run.”

“Of course.” The thick silver streaks in Mrs. Cordova’s dark hair gleamed as she leaned back in her chair and gave Selena a sweeping glance. “I would expect nothing less from a loving mother. Do you accept my offer?”

“I do.” Reaching into her pocket, Selena took out a thumb drive. “Here is everything I have. The guard schedules, the security measures, everything I could see. I’ve drawn up plans of the place using an online drafting tool, so they’re pretty close to scale. I’ve included some ideas on how to cut power, the best directions and times to approach from, and a couple scenarios we might want to consider.”

“You’ve done your homework,” Mrs. Cordova said in an oddly approving voice.

“No,” Selena snapped, “I have spent every moment of every day for almost the last two years trying to get my daughter back. There hasn’t been an hour that I haven’t agonized to hold her, to feel her in my arms, to get her away from those people. What kind of life is that for a baby, raised by the kind of monsters that would keep a mother from her child? People who call her nigger under their breath, people who treat her like a dog? She must be so sad and lonely all the time.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and Diego tried to approach her, but she whirled on him. “I told you to stay the fuck away from me.”

“That shit is over,” Diego said in a calm, even voice. “You’re mine to protect now, Selena. You and Cameron both.”

“Diego,” Mrs. Cordova snapped. “Now is not the time. Priorities.”

Hands twitching at his sides, Diego nodded stiffly while Selena glared at him.

“Mark,” Mrs. Cordova stood and handed me the thumb drive. “Go get our girl.”

Chapter 15


Tied to a chair, I watched yet another episode of some vapid reality show that Caroline had left on the big screen TV for me.

Near the door, the man who’d helped her abduct me kept his attention on his phone, his big legs kicked out in front of him. I’d tried talking to him, repeatedly, but he pretended I didn’t exist. I thought about screaming, or making some annoying sound so he’d acknowledge me, but I was also kinda glad he ignored me. I could think of several types of attention that he could give me that I didn’t want.

When I’d woken up, I found myself duct taped to a big wooden chair with a thick black cushion. It must have been taken from another room in the house, because the room that I was in was all pinks and baby blues, ultra-feminine and girly. Something I normally would have liked, if I wasn’t tied to a chair, being held prisoner by a crazy woman and a mute.

The door to the room opened and Caroline breezed in with a plastic grocery shopping bag.

When she saw me, she smiled brightly. “Oh, good! You’re awake! I thought I might have used too much medicine on you. Glad to see you’re back with us.”

With her wig off, she was the perfect Barbie Doll with a killer figure and gorgeous face. I recognized her as the woman I’d seen Mark with at the charity ball and wondered what the fuck was going on. I watched her wearily as she strolled over to the coffee table near the big canopy bed. Her hips wiggled with each step, and I caught the mute guard watching her every move while still ignoring me. Trying to figure out their relationship, I didn’t notice Caroline had made her way over to me until I felt something wet and cool touching my face.

Jerking away, I screamed, “Don’t touch me!”

“Oh calm down. Greg, hold her still.”

I wanted to scream again, but Greg got me in a headlock, choking me in the process.

“You have to make things difficult,” Caroline scolded while Greg kept me pinned and struggling to breathe. “I’m just taking off your makeup. Once Mark sees what you’ve been hiding, what you really look like, he’ll dump you in an instant. You must have thought you were so clever, wearing this shit to cover up what a freak you are. Poor Mark, he was so easily fooled.”

My vision was going spotty by this point, but thankfully Greg released me from his punishing grip. I gasped in air in hard, painful heaves.

“There!” Caroline said brightly. “Much better.”

My throat hurt, but I tried once again to reason with her. “Caroline, you need to let me go.”

Holding up her phone, she squinted at me. “Stay still.”


“I said stay still!” she screamed, a wild light in her eyes. “Greg!”

Before he could touch me, I quickly froze. “I’ll stay still.”