Snorting into her wineglass, Hannah said, “Leo, stop. If Layla blushes any harder, she’s going to pass out. Even her ears are red.”

Hiding my flaming face behind my hands, I muttered, “I’m fine, carry on.”

Mark’s broad chest pressed against me as he reached up and grabbed a white box with colorful letters on the side. “Let’s play Life.”

“You always want to play Life,” Hannah groused.

Wine glass in hand, I followed them to the low coffee table with a big smile on my face. After one game, exhaustion hit me. I laid down on the couch as Hannah and Mark played some complicated card game. Mark was leaned back against the sofa I was sprawled on, and I drifted off while playing with his thick hair.

The remnants of an erotic dream still haunted my mind as I stretched out, my bare legs sliding against some soft, but crisp sheets. A pleasant and familiar masculine scent reached me as I slowly opened my eyes, my mouth as dry as the desert. Staring at the ceiling of Mark’s bedroom, I tried to swallow, and my throat clicked. Sitting up, I spied a nearly full glass of water, along with two pills.

Taking an eager gulp, I nearly drained the glass, the water seeming to revive me.

As I paused between gulps, I figured that I was so thirsty because of how much I drank last night. Between Hannah and myself, we’d put away almost two bottles of wine. I vaguely remembered playing a game, then stretching out on a couch, but things got muzzy after that. I’d probably passed out, something that usually happened if I had a lot to drink.

God, I hope I didn’t do or say anything embarrassing.

The bed shifted right before warm, smooth lips brushed over my shoulder, along with the scratch of a trimmed beard. “Morning. Can I have a drink?”

I took another sip, swishing it around in my mouth then swallowing before I handed it to Mark. “Here you go, and thanks for thinking of it.”

“No problem. Figured you might need it after boozing it up with Hannah last night.”

I took the now empty glass back with a groan of embarrassment. “Did I pass out? I remember playing Life…then sitting on the couch and…nothing.”

He pulled me so I was on my back, then he leaned over me on one arm. “You’re fine. You fell asleep and Hannah passed out about three minutes later. You party animals lasted about an hour before you both crashed.”

I giggled. “What can I say? We’re two wild and crazy chicks.”

Smiling down at me, he stroked my cheek, and I turned into his touch with a happy sigh. “I’m glad she has a friend in you. Being Leo’s wife can be…isolating and Hannah’s a very social woman. With Joy laid up and Hannah’s work schedule ramping up along with Tiffany—well, she hasn’t had a lot of time to unwind.”

“You really care about her, don’t you?”

He lifted one bare shoulder, the muscle shifting nicely. “She’s my friend, of course I care about her. I admit, at first she was just a pain in my ass, but I’ve grown fond of her.”

“You’re such a good guy.” I cuddled into him further, loving the feel of him against me.

While I wore a pair of panties, he was completely bare—something I discovered when the sheet moved between us, and his hard, hot length pressed against my hip. A little tingle started in my core and seemed to slowly spread outward, gaining strength as it hit my pussy and nipples. I became aware of his heat, of the brush of his body hair against my suddenly sensitive skin.

He studied me as he continued to trace my features with his fingertips. His touch was incredibly gentle, yet I felt it all the way to the depths of my soul. There was a reverence in his every move that I couldn’t deny, and I luxuriated in his careful attention. The tingles in my core deepened, the waves of arousal growing stronger with each slow pulse of my heart.

“I have the day off,” he said as he continued to stare at me, his gaze focused on my throat now.

“Do you?” I all but purred as my back arched up slightly.

“Yep.” His fingers inched lower and his hips flexed.

I shivered beneath his touch. “Any plans?”

“I want to try something with you.”

“What’s that?”

He removed his hand, and I wanted to pout at the loss of his loving touch. “I want you to go into the storage room and pick out an outfit. Put it on, and when you come out, we’ll play however you’re dressed.”

I swear it was like someone threw a match on my gasoline-soaked hormones. “Play?”

He leaned forward, brushing his lips over mine as he said, “Roleplay, BDSM, whatever you want. You put on a soft, lacy, romantic bit of nothing, and I’ll know you want me to worship you. If you pick a costume, we’ll role play whatever you’re in the mood for. I want you to have whatever it is you desire, whenever you desire it.”