Her mischievous smile made me laugh. “Won’t you get in trouble for not using coasters?”

“Oh, I will, but I love a good spanking from my Daddy.”

I could tell she was testing me when she shared that with me, so I merely smiled like it was no big deal. “I bet.”

Gathering up my dress, glad a quick glance didn’t show any damage, I followed Hannah out of the limo.

Hannah held onto my arm as she slipped off her heels with a groan. Vali sniffed around, his tail going a million miles an hour. I then used Hannah’s shoulder to steady myself as I took my shoes off, sighing in relief when my feet met the cool paved stones of the circular driveway. The soles of my feet ached as I stretched my toes out.

“Bliss,” Hannah sighed. “I swear, sometimes taking off my heels after a long night is better than sex.”

“Really?” Leo growled from behind us.

We both shrieked a little and jumped, while Vali gave a ‘what’s wrong, mom?’ bark.

While I soothed Vali, Hannah put her hands on her hips and glared at her husband. “Seriously? After the night we’ve had, you thought sneaking up on us was a good idea?”

Leo rolled his eyes as he reached out and pulled Hannah into his arms, giving her neck a nip that was definitely erotic. “If I didn’t sneak up on you, how would I know you find taking off your shoes more exciting than fucking?”

Clearing her throat with a giggle, she said, “You know I was joking.”

He bit her again, a little harder, then released her while giving me a small, rare smile. “Welcome to our home, Layla.”

“Thanks.” I fiddled with my dress. “It’s beautiful.”

“Come on, we’ll show you to your room, so you can get changed. Then I have something I want to discuss with you.”

Swallowing hard, I said, “Oh-okay.”

His dark gaze softened and his voice took on a soothing, almost purring tone. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad.”

Chapter 6


Twenty minutes later, I was curled up in a big, fluffy gray beanbag the size of a sofa.

Vali, minus his vest because he wasn’t working, sprawled next to me on the beanbag, his soft snores filling the comfortable room. Hannah and Leo’s dog, Honey was upstairs in Tiffany’s room where she slept most nights. The two dogs had gotten along really well, and had played for a bit before they both crashed.

Hannah’s lounge was done in shades of soft purplish gray, white, and peach with silver accents. While it was nicely decorated, it didn’t have the designer feel of the rest of the house. The shelves were crammed with books, figurines, and the lower ones held baby toys. Another bin of toys sat across the room, along with a mountain of stuffed animals.

I wore a pair of Hannah’s loose brown pajama pants and a massive pink sleep shirt that she’d loaned me. After hours of wearing a dress tight enough to keep everything in place, my lungs sucked in big sighs of relief. As usual, after a panic attack, I was feeling both tired and slightly fragile. The load of adrenaline that accompanied an attack left my body a little battered. Mostly likely, I’d sleep like the dead tonight. I should probably tell Hannah that I would probably not wake up before noon.

Hannah wore a similar outfit to mine, but in a pale icy blue that went well with her creamy skin tone. Leo had also changed into deep brown pajama pants and a black t-shirt. It was odd seeing him without a suit, but, even wearing casual clothes, he still exuded a…masterful vibe. Not in a BDSM way—well, not only in a BDSM way. Something about him just spoke of power and control. When he focused his dark gaze on me, I grew still.

His deep voice was low and soothing as he said, “Layla, I think I can help you.”

Confused, I sat up a little higher in the beanbag, making Vali grumble in his sleep. “With what?”

“Your agoraphobia and other…issues. I believe I can help you with them.”

I glanced at Hannah, who considered her husband with an unreadable expression. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

“Hannah said that, among the various therapies you tried, you went to a hypnotist.”

“Well, yeah. I’ve tried pretty much everything.” Fearing their judgement, because some people thought hypnosis was bullshit, I quickly said, “But I only went a couple times. It didn’t work. Maybe I can’t be hypnotized.”

“Would you be open to trying again?”

“I guess? Why, did you have someone in mind?”

Leaning forward, he became more imposing, somehow. “Me.”

“You?” I squeaked.

Hannah threw an elbow into her husband’s ribs. “Stop it, you’re scaring her.”

“I wasn’t trying to intimidate her.” He frowned at his wife as she rolled her eyes.

“Darling, I love you to the moon and back, but you can be a little…intense at times. Dial it back.”