Taking that as a good sign, I said, “We’re outside now. No one is around us. Just you, me, and Vali. You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

Moving slowly, I cupped her cheek and rubbed my thumb slowly over her lips. “Layla, baby girl, come back to me.”

She didn’t say anything, and Vali began to lick her hand.

Taking a cue from him, I took her other hand in my own and began to gently press my nails into her palm. It wasn’t the first time I’ve dealt with someone in shock. It happened quite frequently with those who had to deal with my boss. Leo could be a scary fucker—he was a scary fucker—so having people lose their shit while dealing with him was a fairly common occurrence.

Only I was never as gentle with our business associates as I was with Layla. I talked to her in a low, easy voice, discussing some of my happiest memories. Things I hadn’t allowed myself to think about in years. A bittersweet ache filled my heart as I reminisced about my grandparent’s farm, my first horse. The first dog I’d ever trained.

I held her hand in one of my own, and I scratched Vali with the other. “I used to train dogs with Gracie my…my late wife. She passed away three years ago. After she was gone, I-I couldn’t do it without her. I couldn’t stay in Michigan anymore. Came out here for a fresh start, a chance to find peace.”

Saying those words aloud had me struggling, but I was happily surprised when Layla said in a rough voice, “I’m so sorry for your pain.”

“You’re back.”

She winced, and said in an embarrassed voice, “Yeah. I’m back. How long was I…gone for?”

“Not long. What’s the last thing you remember?”

“We were in the elevator, and then those creepy guys in dark suits were there…” She shivered. “Did I talk?”

“No, you didn’t say anything.”

Her hands relaxed in mine. “Good, good.”

“Well, you did say one thing. You promised to teach me how to play your game.”

A hint of a tired smile curved her lush mouth. “I said that?”

“Yep. You told me, if I got you out of there, you’d teach me to play Horse Lords. And I’m gonna hold you to it.”

“You really, really want to learn? It’s not easy, and you’re going to have to spend a lot of time doing mindless grinding.”

“Sounds fun.”

Releasing my hands, much to my dismay, she groaned. “Are you really sure you want to learn how to play? It’s a time commitment, and it’s hard. To get to my level will take you time and effort. Also, I play to win. I won’t coddle you or hold your hand through your questing. I have better things to do than play in the doodlebug fields with you.”

“Doodle Bug Fields?”

She gave me a smile that was pure evil. “You’re going to hate the Doodle Bug Fields. It’s newbie hell, but the best xp while you level up through the first tier.”

“First tier? What does that mean?”

She held up her hand as Vali lay down at our feet with a quiet huff. “Dude, it’s super complicated. It’s not an easy game to play, or master, but it’s hella-fun. You have to be smart, and you have to be able to think on your feet to enjoy it. Not everyone can hack it.”

I had to admit, I was more than a little intrigued. It had been a long time since I’d done anything fun for myself, and I was competitive. Maybe trying an online video game might not be a bad idea. It might help me relax and get out of my head a little bit. Plus…I could spend time with Layla online. I’ll admit it, fucked up quirks and all, I liked her.

And it didn’t hurt that she was so beautiful that she took my breath away.

In another life, I would have dedicated myself to sweeping her off her feet.

To finding out if her lips were as sweet as they looked.

Regret filled me as I pulled back a little, restraining my emotions.

“How far away do you live from here?”

“Not too far. About an hour and a half north, depending on traffic.”

I studied her in the dim lighting, not liking the dark circles beneath her eyes or how exhausted she appeared. “I’ll take you home.”

Right away, she shook her head. “No, you don’t have to. My car is right here, and I feel fine. Really, I’m okay. I don’t want to inconvenience you, and I can call my parents—”

I put my hand over her mouth, cutting off her protests. “I’m taking you. It’s almost midnight. If you call them now, I’m pretty sure most parents would flip out. I know mine would.”

Her lips moved in a distracting manner against my hand as she no doubt protested, but I shook my head.