“Princess, your chariot has arrived,” Ben says, tearing me from my thoughts. He bends over with his wet back to me. “Hop on.”
I shake off my gloomy thoughts and climb on, squeezing his waist with my thighs.
Dallas is floating on her back up ahead.
“She’s happy,” Ben observes, entering the water. The waves crash against his feet and calves as he walks us further out.
I press a kiss on his cheek. His scratchy stubble tingles my lips. “I know.”
“Thank you.” His voice is thick with emotion.
I smile into his neck. “Ben?”
“I want this for us. You, me, and Dallas. One day we’ll live near a beach just like this one. We’ll have our own place and a dog.”
Ben chuckles. Then pauses in his step when a beach ball lands in front of us, and a mom retrieves it with an apologetic smile.
“What are we going to call the dog?” He starts walking again.
I tap my chin. “Oh, I know! Catherine Zeta-Bones.”
A surprised laugh bubbles out of him. “Catherina Zeta-Bones? Really?”
I grin. “Don’t you like it? Well, how about Ellen Degeneruff?”
“Do you think these names up on the fly?”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” I shout to Dallas over his head, “Dallas, we’re deciding on a name for our future dog. What do you think of Jane Pawsten?”
“Pawsten?” Her lips twitch.
Ben drops me suddenly.
I fall back with a shriek and soon emerge, shivering and spitting water. “Oh my god, it’s freezing!”
They laugh as I scan the beach and try to think of another name. “Virginia Woof?”
Ben groans. “No way! It has to be something cool like Bullseye or Burger.”
Dallas snorts a laugh. “You think Burger is a cool name?”
“What’s wrong with Burger? It has ‘oomph!’ Imagine when we take it for walks.” He cups his mouth, shouting, “Burger! Come here, boy!” He grins, looking pleased with himself.
Dallas sinks down in the water until it’s up to her chin. “And I guess if we get a second dog, you’ll want to name it Fries so that you get to shout Burger and Fries when we’re out.”
They bicker back and forth.
I snigger to myself. “We need something more original.”
Dallas rolls her eyes. “What are you going to suggest next? Woofie Goldberg?”
I click my fingers. “Yes, I like that! What do you think, Ben?”
He mirrors Dallas and lowers himself in the water until it’s up to his chin. His green hair lies plastered to his forehead. “I think it’s probably best if we settle for a Hamster, Em.”
“I used to own a hamster called Madam Ham.”