Steph leans in. “We put in our bets while you were busy being fucked on Jamie’s hood. Unfortunately, it’s not looking good for you. I’m the only one who put a bet in your favor, so don’t disappoint me. I need the cash.”
I snort a laugh as we enter the crowded living room. “It’s in the bag, Steph. I never lose.”
“Don’t be so sure of that,” Ben says, nudging his head toward the couch where Rick is seated with Princess on his lap.
How predictable.
I roll my eyes.
If not for the loud, thumping music, you could hear a pin drop as, one by one, they start noticing us. Rick leans over to speak to Jamie, who sits spread out on the recliner chair with his own cheerleader on his lap. It’s Emily’s best friend, Hailey. The four of them remind me of a royal court.
Jamie’s eyes drift over to us. The bored expression on his face doesn’t shift, and he soon dismisses us. His hand disappears beneath Hailey’s skirt.
Emily is staring daggers at me. A fire burns in her eyes as if she somehow knows that I’m up to no good. It would be a very accurate assumption.
I run my eyes down the skimpy, golden dress she has on. It shows ample cleavage and has a slit that comes up high on her thigh. It’s far more revealing than anything she wears at school. I can see why she turns heads with her pouty lips and blue eyes.
Ben is checking her out, too. He’s not even remotely subtle. He eyes her up like she’s a meal, most likely imagining himself pounding her pussy while she does the splits in the air.
I narrow my eyes and punch him in the shoulder. “Dickhead!”
He laughs.
People are still staring. It’s so cliché. I feel like I’ve stepped onto the movie set of a cheesy 90’s flick. The only thing I need now is for one of these cheerleaders to take me under their wing, teach me all things cheer, and give me a makeover and voila, I’ll win homecoming queen.
“Whatever!” I huff, then push my way through to the kitchen. I grab myself a plastic cup from the stack and pour myself what I can only assume is very expensive vodka. I don’t bother mixing it before throwing it back, relishing in the burn.
“What’s the plan?” April asks, shimmying up next to me. She pours her own drink.
I look back inside the living room. Rick is stroking his hand over Emily’s thigh as he talks to his friends. Emily, on the other hand, is glaring daggers at me.
I pour myself another shot and take a swig, wincing. “Rick will get more handsy. It won’t be long until he takes her upstairs, and then I’ll join them.”
Ben snorts as he joins us in the kitchen, stealing my drink off me. He drinks the last of it and pours a refill. “Oh, yeah? Your plan is to walk right in and hope they welcome you with open arms? Great plan.”
I smile, unbothered by his sarcasm. “You underestimate me, my friend.”
I was in that bathroom with Emily. I know there’s more to her than she lets the world see. She won’t object. It’s Rick I need to convince.
“We need video evidence,” Matt cuts in from across the marble island.
Josh nods in agreement. “Yeah! We do!”
“You’re such perverts,” I laugh, knocking back another shot. I can handle my drink.
“They’re right.” Ben rakes a hand through his green hair.
I look over at him and shrug. “Alright. It doesn’t bother me. If the two horndogs require material for their spank bank, they can have it.”
Josh grabs a baby plant from the window. He puts it in the front pocket of his hoodie.
“What exactly are you doing?” Matt asks, staring as Josh picks up a much bigger plant and attempts to conceal it in his jumper.
“Souvenirs, dude. Houses like these are like a grand tour in a royal palace in England.”
“Why plants, though?”
Josh hands Matt the plant before crouching down and rooting through the cupboard beneath the sink. “Why not plants?”