“I’ll have the lasagna and a coke. Oh, and can I have extra fries on the side as well?” He tightens his grip on my hand to get my attention.
Fuck, why is this happening right now?
I take a deep breath to steady my racing heart and open my eyes. I smile politely at Dallas. She’s as breathtaking as always.
“I’ll have the same.”
What is she doing here?
Her face is a blank mask. She juts down our order on the small notepad in her hands—hands I’ve had on my naked body—then looks down at our interlaced fingers on the table.
I tear my hand away, unable to shake the overwhelming feeling of guilt.
Landon looks at me questioningly.
“Your food won’t be long.”
Her curt voice makes my insides twist. She puts the notepad in the pocket of her black apron with the restaurant’s logo on it, and then she’s gone. Her ponytail sways as she makes her way over to the counter and pins our order up.
She works here? Since when? Did she follow Ben here?
“Are you okay?”
I reluctantly look away from her silky black hair and creamy neck. Shame hits me hard. I shouldn’t be pining over Dallas when I’m here on a date. I shouldn’t pine over her at all. We are over.
“I’m fine. So you played lacrosse? What else did you do in high school?”
The change of subject works. He smirks, reaching for my hand again.
I fight the urge to rip it away.
“I was in a band for a while, and before you ask—we sucked!”
I smile distractedly and scan my eyes across the restaurant. “What instrument did you play?”
“I didn’t.”
I look back at him, furrowing my brow. “You didn’t? Then what did you do?”
He chuckles, scratching his jaw. “I provided the vocals.”
A surprised laugh bursts free “You sing?”
He scoffs and reaches for his drink. “Didn’t you hear the part where I said that we sucked?”
I trace my fingers over the smatter of hairs on the top of his hand, feeling more at ease. “You’ll have to sing for me later.”
The incredulous look on his face is too much. I throw my head back, laughing. “The look on your face,” I choke out when I’ve composed myself enough to speak.
His answering laugh rings out in the restaurant. I love how he laughs with his whole body, eyes sparkling in the candlelight.
The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I don’t have to look to know that Dallas is watching us, but I seek her out like a moth to a flame.
Our eyes collide across the room.
My smile falters. I break eye contact and focus my attention back on Landon. I resist the urge to look at her again.
I can’t believe she is here… My chest aches with a longing I haven’t allowed myself to feel for months, and I hate how easily it resurfaced just when I thought I was ready to move on.