Page 80 of Counter Bet

I sit forward and slap his chest, laughing. “Shut up! They’re good.”

He ignores me as he says to Dallas, “You know the type. Fucks everything with two legs. Thinks he’s the bomb. Tattoos. Smokes cigarettes”

I giggle. “Trust me, his parents disapprove. Rick is the golden boy.”

He leans up on his elbows and wiggles his eyebrows. “I should have guessed you have a thing for rebellious bad boys.”

I shrug. “I don’t deny it. It’s my turn to ask a question. Dallas, tell me something about Ben that he wouldn’t tell me himself.”

Dallas scoops another handful of sand over my feet, patting it down. “Well,” she says with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Ben grows tense behind me.

“He slept with your Madison a couple of months back.”

I shoot upright, disturbing the sand in the process. “You slept with Madison?”

He cringes. “Technically—”

Dallas holds up a hand, laughing. “Ben, you can’t talk yourself out of this one.”

My eyes resemble saucers. “You slept with one of my cheerleaders? You do realize I’m going to have to kill her now, right? Goddamn you, Ben! I need her on my team,” I joke, trying my best to look serious but failing miserably.

He groans and rubs a hand through his green hair. “I didn’t sleep with her. She sucked my dick. Big difference! Okay, my turn,” he says before I can ask any more questions. “What’s your favorite movie, princess?”

“That’s easy,” I reply. “Pulp Fiction.”

Dallas’ eyebrows shoot up. “Really? I took you more for a romantic comedy kind of girl.”

I grin. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

She snorts a laugh as she grabs her bag. She roots through it and throws me a look. “Trust me, princess. I know.”

“I suppose it’s my turn again.” I shift on the sand until I’m seated between Ben’s legs, leaning back against his warm and muscular chest. “Why Lauren?” I’ve always wondered what made Dallas seduce the mayor’s daughter in the girls’ bathroom.

Dallas smirks as she hands us a granola bar each. “She was a challenge—a dare.”

“A dare?” I ask, confused.

Dallas takes a bite of her granola bar, talking around a mouthful. “We do these dares. If I challenge Ben to a bet, he then makes a counter bet. It’s just a silly game.”

I chew on my lip in thought. “So, Ben challenged you to go down on Lauren. What was the counter bet?”

They exchange a glance over my head, and something passes between them. A feeling of unease creeps through me.

“I dared him to get video evidence of Mr. Roberts fucking Mrs. Flores,” she admits, crinkling up the wrapper and putting it back in her bag.

My eyes bug out. “No fucking way! Are you serious? They’re fucking?”

I can’t believe it. Mr. Roberts is theverymarried IT teacher, and Mrs. Flores is my English teacher. I’ll never be able to look at her the same way again.

Ben laughs behind me. “Don’t sound so excited.”

“I can’t help it. This is crazy news. I have to give her desk a wide berth from now on.” I shudder.

“You should probably avoid the desks on the front row, too,” Dallas quips in an airy tone, smiling widely when she sees the look of horror on my face. She knows damn well I sit on the front row in that class. Well, never again!

* * *