Jamie’s tires screech as he comes speeding into the school car park. The spray-painted flower on the passenger door stands out even more in the daylight, as does the pink heart on the hood.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who the culprits are. Jamie fumed when one of the linebackers burst into the living room to tell him about his precious car, but Dallas and her friends were long gone by then.
Rick and I haven’t discussed what happened that night with Dallas. In fact, we haven’t talked much at all. We got dressed in awkward silence after she left the room, both deep in our own thoughts.
I can’t wrap my head around what came over me, and it’s not for lack of trying. The only thing I can put it down to is my own stubbornness. For some reason, Dallas brings out a darker side of me—one I’m not entirely comfortable with.
I didn’t want to appear weak in front of her. The damn challenge in her eye when she told my boyfriend that I wanted to watch him fuck someone else. I had to play her at her own game.
More worrying is my own reaction. I can’t stop thinking about her and what we did.
My thoughts are interrupted when Jamie slams his car door shut. Rick goes to greet him. By the looks of it, he’s still pissed.
I’ve never seen that side of Rick either. He fucked Dallas with so much aggression, and I wish he would touch me that way too. When he fisted my hair and stroked himself until he came on my face…
I can still taste his cum on my tongue and feel it running down my face. Maybe I shouldn’t have liked it as much as I did, but I can’t deny that my clit throbs when I think about it.
Hailey sidles up next to me. “Jamie is pissed because his parents refuse to pay for a new paint job. I’m surprised too. Apparently, he needs to learn to take more responsibility.”
I press my lips together to stop myself from laughing. This is the kind of thing we will all laugh about thirty years from now, but today is not that day.
“He’s going to murder Dallas when he finds her.”
That sobers me up. I scan my eyes across the parking lot in search of Dallas’ car. If she’s smart, she’ll know not to show her face today. Pictures of Jamie’s car are already on social media for everyone to see.
Rick puts his hand on Jamie’s shoulder. They talk in hushed tones.
Jamie is tense. He fists his hands by his sides and nods once before putting his ray-bans back on and stalking off.
I have the feeling that Rick worries Dallas will run her mouth if Jamie confronts her. He likes my pure reputation or the thought of it, at least. After last night we both know there is nothing pure about me.
My core tightens as I recall the look on Dallas’ face. The way her breasts bobbed with every slam of my boyfriend’s hips.
I know we can’t let it happen again.
Besides, do I really want to be the kind of girl who watches her boyfriend fuck other women? Or even worse, do I want others to find out how much I enjoyed it?
I’m pulled from my thoughts when Ben walks past with his blonde-haired friend, Matt.
I share an art class with Matt on Wednesdays. He’s insanely talented, but unlike me, he prefers to sketch rather than paint. I’m the opposite. Abstract art is my strong side. I like colors and chaos, and it’s not uncommon to find a splatter of paint on my arm or cheek.
Matt is the kind of guy with charcoal-smudged fingers who will ask you to pose naked on a fur rug. Well, I don’t know about the naked part…
Ben winks as he walks past.
The blood drains from my face.
He knows…
I stare after him with my heart in my throat.
Dallas told him. She fucking told him what we did! How dare she tell her friends about that night! Maybe it’s not a big deal to her, but it is to me.
I say goodbye to Hailey, then take chase.