“Where is he now?” he asked Will. “Mathias, I mean.”

“He’s back at my place, with my son. As you probably know, he’s helping Jessie through the last stages of his pregnancy.”

“Yes, he told me. I admit it’s still very weird for me to even consider.”

“It is.” Will fixed him with piercing green eyes. “But I just want you to know one thing. No matter how strange it’s been, no matter how much it hurt and how much fear or pain I experienced... It’s all been worth it. I can’t say I have no regrets, because I do. I spent decades separated from my mate, resenting him for abandoning Jessie and me. It was hard for me to let go, even when we met again. But in the end, it was worth it.”

Will didn’t say it, but Ward heard the unspoken words anyway.It could be worth it for you too.Ward wanted nothing more than to believe that, to be able to let go of all his doubts and trust Mathias.

Well, he knew what the first step was. Taking a deep breath, he asked, “Would it be too much of an imposition if I visited your pack today?”

Will grinned. “Not at all. In fact, I was hoping you’d say that.”

The warm energy pulsed through Mathias, content and alive. His magic entwined with the two distinctive threads he was testing, soothing and caressing. He didn’t push too much—it wasn’t his place—and when he was satisfied about the information he’d received, he pulled back, retreating from Jessie’s body.

No sooner had he done so than an agitated question filled his ears. “Well? How are they?”

Mathias opened his eyes and arched a brow at Andreas. “Everything is in order, Mr. Brandt. I’ve told you already. Your mate’s condition is stabilized, and the children are healthy and happy. This was merely a routine checkup.”

He patted Jessie’s belly and grinned. “But then, I gather Jessie already knew that.”

“I did.” Jessie smiled happily. “I have no words to thank you. I never realized how bad I was doing until you came along.”

Mathias wanted to say there was no need for any thanks, but before he could do so, something in the energy around him shifted. It was distant still, but getting closer. A few moments later, Mathias easily identified it. His mate was nearby.

It had taken a lot of resolve for Mathias to respect Ward’s decision. Sometimes, he still went to the house, in shifted form, but he didn’t actually approach Ward. It had been hard as hell, and it wasn’t any easier to remain calm now instead of bursting out of Jessie and Andreas’s bedroom like he wanted.

Still, the change in his mood must have shown because Jessie shot him a concerned look. “Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine, pup,” Mathias replied with a strained smile. “I just think we have visitors.”

His words were soon confirmed as Andreas’s senses registered the approaching car as well. “I think it must be Will.”

Mathias nodded. In fact, he wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if that was the case. He’d known his friend was worried about him, and the idea that Will had gone to talk to Ward was the likeliest explanation.

“I’ll be right back,” he offered absently. “I need to check something over with him.”

Andreas and Jessie let him go without comment, and Mathias was thankful for it because he didn’t know if he could come up with a better explanation. He left the house just in time to see Will pull in. Predictably, he had Ward with him, and the two humans got out at the vehicle at the same time.

Time seemed to freeze when Ward finally caught sight of Mathias. Their gazes met and Ward stopped walking. Mathias wanted nothing more than to move and meet his mate halfway, but he couldn’t make his muscles work.

Will didn’t say a word. He simply slid past Mathias and into the house, leaving him alone with Ward. The door closed with a slight click, and the noise finally made Mathias shake out of his stupor. He took a few steps forward, walking steadily until he was in front of Ward. His hands were trembling, so he stuck them in the pockets of his jeans, trying to steady himself. “Hi,” he greeted his mate. “I didn’t think you wanted to see me.”

“I did and didn’t.” Ward shot him a sheepish smile. “That’s probably confusing, isn’t it?”

“You’re allowed to be confused,” Mathias told his mate. “You’re also allowed to take all the time you need. I know this is far from an ideal situation.”

“Life is rarely ideal,” Ward answered. He inhaled deeply and looked up at the sky. In turn, Mathias stared at the exposed column of Ward’s neck, wanting nothing more than to kiss and nibble at his mate’s skin.

When Ward looked at him once again, he was smiling. “But that’s fine, I think. Nothing is perfect, not people and not art. Our imperfections make us who we are. So... If you’re willing to be patient with me, do you want to try this again?”

Mathias’s breath caught. “Are you giving me another chance?”

Ward snorted. “I’m not sure I gave you the first one. I’m sorry. I was rash and I pushed you away. I want to understand. Please help me understand.”

The underlying words were ‘please make me believe’. Mathias had no doubt that his mate still had trouble trusting anyone and such a huge leap of faith was a gift. Mathias would not waste it.

He offered Ward his hand, and when Ward took it, he kissed the tip of his mate’s fingers. “It’s okay, Ward. We have all the time in the world.”