ME:Heard the news. CONGRATS! But are you really coming back?
EMI: Not sure. I’d love to be closer to my mom and sister when the baby comes.
ME:Makes sense.
EMI: But.
EMI: We love DC. And moving here was huge for me. For us. I think I’m just super hormonal right now, you know?
ME: No. I do not know.
ME: You heard about that, huh?
EMI:LOL. Obviously.
ME: We can’t go public until camp ends, but yes. The situation looks … promising.
EMI: I’m so happy for you both. So is Nash. He just walked in.
ME:Good news travels fast. Tell him I’m happy for him too. He’ll make a great father.
EMI:I agree. But you can tell him yourself. He’s going to call you.
EMI: Now. Apparently.
Oh, man. I’m pretty sure Nash wants to “have a chat” with me about Tess. How she’s like family to him. How he hopes I’ll treat her right. I’ve been expecting Mac to initiate that kind of discussion too. And I’m not worried. Neither one of them is the type to pull the “take care of her or else” threat.
They trust Tess to know her mind. So do I.
Still. I want to do justice to my thoughts about our future. And I want everyone who loves Tess to hear—from me directly—that no matter what happens, I’ll always have her back. Protect her heart.
Before I can text Emi that I’m good to go, my phone starts buzzing in my hand.
A three-way call from Nash and Mac.
Both at the same time?
Whoa. All right then. Here we go.
I settle in for the talk of my life.