

Me: I’m up in the camp office. Are you at the ranch yet?

Jill: Yep. Just waiting for you outside the dining hall. The kids are finishing lunch. Can’t wait for the hike. Get out here!

Me:That’s why I’m texting. I can’t go.

I lean back in my chair, watching the bubbles on my screen. Jill originally offered to lead these nature hikes so we could spend time together on the weekends. I’m as disappointed as she is.

Jill: Whyyyyyyyyyyy? I barely see you anymore.

Me: I’ve got to help Clive set up the barbecue. That supply truck came in early, and he did all the unpacking himself. I owe him a little help now.

Jill: Fine. But don’t let Spencer see you spending so much time with the sexy chef.

Me: Clive isn’t sexy. Okay. He’s sexy, but he’s not my type.

There’s a pause. Then she responds.

Jill:Because Spencer is.

Me: Nope. Not going there. The mayor’s got her eye on us big time. She made it clear last night there can be no FRATERNIZATION. In all-caps. Seriously. I can’t think about Spencer like that.

Jill: Just because you can’t, doesn’t mean you won’t.

Me: No, this time is different. I promised Mrs. Lockhart, and I need to see this through.

Jill:Look at you, being all responsible.

Me: Yeah. I guess I am.

Another pause while the bubbles ripple. I hope Jill understands. She’s always been the reliable one. She was my anchor when I’d float away. So I really need her support with this now.

The hike. The job. The Spencer.

Jill: Okay. I’ll stop pouting about missing you. But I can still joke about Spencer. You’re the one who put teasing in our Best Friend Handbook. And you gave me a hard time with Owen. A REALLY hard time. In all-caps.

Me:That was for your own good. And we weren’t risking anything.

Jill: He was my boss!

Me: You’re right. I’m sorry. But not really because now you’re so in love. #worthit

Bubbles bubbles bubbles.

Jill: What if you’re in love with Spencer?

Gulp. I spin around in my chair, one full circle.Don’t get dizzy, Tess.

Me: It’s not about me right now. It’s about the camp. These kids. My responsibility.

Jill: See. I’ve been telling you all along that you’re a real grownup. Maybe now you’ll finally believe me.

Me: Had to happen sometime.

Jill: Actually not. I know plenty of immature adults. Like most of Owen’s brothers. Ha!