“Proof?” I huff out a breath. “What kind of proof?”

“Proof that you’re in a relationship.”

I frown at my brother. Hard. “I hope you’re not talking about pieces of clothing. Or videos and stuff. Because that’s crossing the line, Frank. And in that case, I’m out.”

Let me back out without… backing out.

“Giving up already?” he asks.

“No.” My eyes flash. “I just won’t do anything… disrespectful.”

“I’m not a pig, Spence, but thanks for thinking I am.” He grabs his hat off the ground and slams it back onto his head. “You’re the one with the master’s degree.” He puts master’s degree in air quotes like it’s not a real thing I have. “Get creative.” He shrugs. “As long as I see you out with a girl with my own eyes, I can be flexible. You should try it sometime.”

“I’m creative,” I say. “And flexible.”

“Good. And there’s one more thing.” He drags a hand across his forehead, leaving a smear of grease behind. “You’ve gotta promise not to tell anyone about the bet, including whoever you try to convince to date you.” More air quotes arounddate. “Otherwise the terms aren’t fair. I can’t have you talking some girl into pretending to go out with you just because she knows you’re about to have a hot car.”

“Once again, they’re women, Frank. Not girls. And women don’t date men because of their cars.”

Frank chortles. “Shows how much you know. So. This only works if you swear to keep our bet a secret.”

My throat constricts. It’s been a long time since I’ve dated anyone on a regular basis. I’ve put my neck out and been hurt before. Publicly. Badly. Not really caring issomuch safer. And if your heart’s not truly on the line, there’s way less chance of getting knocked down. Or of life becoming messy.

Hmm. Maybe my brother has a point.

“Do we have a deal?” Frank’s grin is so smug, I’m tempted to sock him in his punchable face. Let him see up close and personal exactly how hard I’ve been working out.

But A: I’d probably break my hand. B: I wouldn’t be able to use the keyboard or wash cars. C: I do still need to earn money for that down payment. Bottom line: I want to move out. Ineedmy own house. So I can’t agree to some stupid bet just because my brother is pushing my buttons.

But before I can tell Frank no deal, he starts clucking. Softly at first. Then louder. He even starts flapping imaginary wings.

“Bawk, bawk, bawk.” Flap, flap, flap.

“Is that supposed to be a chicken?” I spit out. I’m seeing red now, letting Frank get to me. Just like I said I wouldn’t.

“I don’t know, Spence.” Frank flaps one more time for good measure. “Are you?Are you a chicken?”

“Ha!” Before I can think more about it, I reach out to shake his hand. “We’ve got a deal.”

What have I done?

This is exactly why Frank and I shouldn’t be left alone in a room for too long.

“Hello, gentlemen.” Mrs. Lockhart’s heels click across the concrete. Frank doffs his cap and presses it to his chest. “Ready for me to ring you up, ma’am?”

Mrs. Lockhart nods. “Yes, but I require an audience with Spencer first.”


Before I can ask for clarification, Tess steps between us. She’s chewing her lip, looking stressed. This is unusual. I’ve never known her to be anything but carefree.

“No, I’ll talk to Spencer,” she blurts out. “This issue is really between us.”

Her issue?Tesshas an issue with me? I sure hope not. I mean, yes, I like to tease her, but a part of me thought she kind of liked it too.

She darts her eyes between the mayor and me, then down at my bare chest. “Could you cover up first, please?”

The request makes my face burn. Hot. My shirt’s still hanging from my back pocket. That’s where I tucked it when I was washing Mrs. Lockhart’s car. Then when Frank gave me a hard time about being shirtless, I left it off just to show him he’s not my boss.