Page 102 of The Even Odder Couple

I drop my arm, but the mayor’s head is already cocked, like she’s examining us. My cheeks flame up. Who was I kidding, thinking I couldpretendto date Spencer? I can’t even stand next to him. Hopefully I appear to be one coworker discussing camp with another coworker, not one employee who needs a cold bucket of water tossed at her.

“Be right there!” I call back. Then I turn to Spencer and gulp. My throat is parched, and not because of the dust. “I’ll go check on the truck. You should probably move Frank’s car over to the basketball courts. Park it on the asphalt so it doesn’t get covered in dirt.”

“Whatever you say.” His voice is gruff, like keeping Frank’s car clean is the last thing he wants to do.

“And we should probably try to avoid each other the rest of the night,” I tell him. His jaw shifts. “Not that we’ve got anything to hide,” I add. “It’s just Mrs. Lockhart. She’s so suspicious. All the time.”

“No problem,” he says, lowering his gaze.

No problem?I hate that it’s so easy for him to stay away. But as he moves past me, in slow motion, his arm extends just enough for our hands to brush. His touch is feather light, and he lingers long enough to strike a match in me. Forget food trucks and Steaming Wienies.

I’m a human barbecue.

“I’d better go,” I sigh, even though he’s already on his way to the car. And as I jog over to Mrs. Lockhart, I feel detached from my limbs and numb. I’m basically weightless. Floating on air. If I’m going to survive the night with my job and heart intact, I’d better snap out of this fog.

As it turns out, Mrs. Lockhart has the food truck stationed to the left of the dining hall and kitchen. To the right are the basketball courts. “What do you think?” she asks me, just as Spencer pulls onto the asphalt.

“Perfect,” I say. I’m breathless as he parks and hops out of the car. Hopefully Mrs. Lockhart thinks I’m talking about the hotdog truck, and doesn’t notice I’m looking at Spencer.

Clive comes out the side door of the kitchen and whistles at the car. “Spencer, my boy, I think I’ve been underestimating you.” He circles the car, rubbing a hand at the back of his neck. “Why on earth have you been keeping this beauty under wraps?”

“It’s my brother’s.”

“Pity,” says Clive.

“You have no idea.” Spencer darts his eyes at me, and my stomach swings. This isnotsteering clear of each other. He shifts his focus back to Clive, and all I want is his gaze back on me. “So, Clive. Can I help you move the meat from the freezer out to the grills?”

“That would be great, mate.” Clive grins. “The grills are heating up now. I’ve got all the cheese to bring out too.”

As they head inside the kitchen, I realize I’ve got to work on distancing too. If I’m still standing around when Spencer comes out, I’ll just want to be close to him again. I need to keep busy. Keep away. So I turn to Mrs. Lockhart.

“I’m going to gather the kids and counselors over at Shady Hill for some songs before the barbecue.”

“Excellent,” she says. “I imagine our first guests will begin showing up shortly. Seeing our happy campers smiling and singing would be great publicity for me—I mean, for the camp.”

“You do have thebestideas, Mrs. Lockhart.”

“Yes.” She hoists her enormous purse on her shoulder. “That’s why I’m the mayor.”

“Would you like to relax in the camp office for a bit?”

“Oh dear, no.” She tuts. “When the citizens of Apple Valley arrive, I must be visible at all times. Front and center. In the middle of the action.” She puts a hand up to shade her vision, peering out toward the entrance to the ranch. “Speaking of which, who arethey?” She sniffs. “I don’t recognize those voters—I mean gentlemen.”

I follow her gaze to the front gates where three people are entering from the parking lot.

“Oh! That’s Milo, Caden, and … ummm… Troy. They’re Spencer’s friends. I met them this morning.”

“New blood in town?” Mrs. Lockhart smiles. “How wonderful for me—I mean for Spencer.”