Page 21 of Summer Swoon

“You’re here to relax and be inspired. I imagine spending time with Max Corbin could be veryinspiring.” She bobbed her eyebrows. “I won’t share anything you do here with your mother or grandmother. What happens at Aunt Winnie’s stays at Aunt Winnie’s.”

“Yeah, I know. I’ve never been able to find out what my mom did during her summer visits here. But whatever she did, it convinced her to not let me come once I was a teen.”

Aunt Winnie laughed then closed her mouth and pretended she locked her lips.

“But seriously, I wish I spent more time here. It’s so beautiful.” I looked around at the scenery then back at Aunt Winnie. “When my mother wouldn’t let me come for extended visits, I swore that once I turned eighteen, I was going to. Then I met John and didn’t want to leave him. And you know my mom would have had a stroke if I wanted him to come here with me.”

“You can’t change the past, so there’s no use lamenting about it.” She patted my hand. “I believe everything happens for a reason. Who knows what would have happened if you did visit? You could have wanted to stay like I did, or you might have met someone who suited you better than John. Then you wouldn’t have Grace.”

“You’re right.”

“I usually am, dear. That’s why you should listen to me when I tell you to spend more time with Max. I firmly believe he’s the cure to what ails you.”

* * *


“Is this boring for you?”Eve asked.

“Nope.” She glanced up at me, her brow raised. “It’s not.”

Even though that’s the truth, the trail I originally planned on taking her to today was a little more challenging. Unfortunately, it’s closed. Even though she seems to be in decent shape, Eve doesn’t have proper hiking boots so I decided to take her somewhere easier. So here we are walking the Soapstone Lake Trail.

Since we got a later start than planned, I suggested having our picnic on the way in. When the trail opened onto the meadow, we stopped and set out the blanket I’d brought and settled onto it, our brown-bag lunches spread out between us. Eve picked up her sandwich and took a bite then looked around as she chewed.

“It’s so peaceful here.”

“I agree. The other trail I’d planned to take you on had more impressive views, but there’s just something about this spot.”

“Do you come here often?”

“Generally speaking, I don’t hike as much as I used to.”

“Why not?”

“My friends and I used to hike all the time, but they’re all married now so…” I trailed off and ended the sentence with a shrug. “What about you? Do you hike often?”

“There’s a scenic vista near Scranton called Top of the World and my friends and I hike up there once or twice a year.”

“What do you do to keep in such great shape?”

Her eyes widened then the corner of her mouth kicked up in a small smile.

“I uh, I do pole dance fitness.”

“Pole dance fitness?” She nodded. “Not what I was expecting. How did you start doing that?”

“A friend of mine started taking classes after attending a bachelorette party at the studio. She kept bugging me to go with her, but I insisted I was too busy. Around the time I got divorced, I agreed to take a class. I swear, it was the hardest thing I’d ever done.” She smiled. “And I couldn’t wait to go back.”

Her whole face lit up and I couldn’t resist leaning in for a kiss. I don’t know why I thought I could stop at a simple peck. Like the other night on the beach, things went from zero to a million as soon as our lips touched.

I nibbled on her luscious bottom lip and she one-upped me by licking at my top lip, fanning the flames. Our mouths opened, our tongues teasing and tasting, giving and taking. I pulled her tight against my chest, savoring every dip and curve of her amazing body.

Eve threaded her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer. She twirled her tongue around mine, drawing it further into her mouth, then lightly sucked. I groaned as my cock jumped, testing the strength of my zipper.

I twisted, lowering Eve to the blanket, our mouths never losing contact. My erection brushed against her hip and I cupped her ass, holding her in place as I pulsed against her. She groaned against my mouth and wrapped her leg around mine, pulling me even closer.

Eve’s hands roamed down my back and squeezed my ass before reversing direction and slipping under my shirt. Goosebumps trailed in the wake of her fingertips as I continued feasting on her mouth.