“Is that what this is?” That question came out more like a screech and I took a breath to rein it in. “A simple misunderstanding?”
“I don’t know that it’s simple, but in the grand scheme of things yeah, I’d call it a misunderstanding,” she said.
I shifted my gaze between the three of them.
“So you think I’m being unreasonable.”
“No, we’re not saying that,” Anjannette said. She looked around and the others nodded. “What I think we’re saying is that you should give him a chance to explain. Don’t judge him based on your past experience. It’s not fair, honey.”
Part of me knows she has a point, but the hurt part wants to wallow a little while longer.
“I’ll think about that,” I said. “Thanks for putting this call together so fast.”
“You’ve jumped on at least a hundred911calls for us through the years. It’s time for payback,” Keera said.
“Now call Grace and tell her so you can putthatissue out of your head,” Sophie said. “Yes, he was her celebrity crush, but he’s so much more to you. I’m sure she’ll be cool about it.”
Grace is a great kid, but this seems too weird to becoolabout.
I said goodbye to the ladies and shut down Zoom. Picking up my phone, I texted Grace and asked to call as soon as she could. Seconds later, Facetime rang.
* * *
Winnie was sittingon the back porch when I arrived. I’d expected her to freeze me out, but she patted the seat next to her. I took her invitation and sat, unsure what to say. So I went with the first thing that came to mind.
“I should have told her.”
She nodded.
“Maybe not immediately, but yes, once you got more involved, you definitely should have mentioned it.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t tell her.”
“It wasn’t my story to tell.”
“I guess not.” Resting my hands on the table, I leaned forward. “So what should I do now?”
“Talk to her, explain things.”
“Do you think she’ll listen?”
Winnie looked out at the ocean and I didn’t think she was going to respond. But thankfully, finally, she did.
“She’s not an unreasonable person, so I think she’ll listen,” she said. “Whether or not she forgives you is another question.”
“I really screwed up, didn’t I?” I dragged my fingers through my hair, wishing I could go back in time and make this right. “But honestly, I didn’t think it was that big a deal. All that happened so long ago. That’s not me anymore.”
“Do you know why Eve’s marriage ended?” I nodded. “So this may not be that big a deal to someone else, and you’re right, it did happen a long time ago. You’re not that person anymore.” She placed her hand over mine and squeezed. “Butto Eve, none of that matters. What matters is that you lied to her. True it was a lie of omission, but it translates to the same thing. Her ex-husband had a whole other life going on for years, so anything you keep from her is going to be an issue.”
“Put that way, it makes so much sense.”
“Talk to her, explain your position, and let her process.”
“For how long?”
“As long as it takes.”