Page 29 of Summer Swoon



Max turnedinto the driveway and I was grateful when I didn’t see Gertrude in her usual spot. That means Aunt Winnie isn’t home. There’s no doubt in my mind she’d take one look at me and know what Max and I have been up to for the past several hours. Granted, I’m a grown woman and have nothing to feel guilty about, but I’d still feel awkward. Once I process everything, I’ll have a better game face.

“Thank you for today,” he said.

“Thank you. I had an amazing time.”

“Enough that you’d want to repeat it?”

I couldn’t stop the slow smile that spread across my face.


“Tomorrow night?”

“So soon?”

“You’re lucky I have to work in the morning or I’d be picking you up for breakfast.”

He leaned closer and pressed his lips to mine. Like most other times we kissed, it didn’t stop at a quick peck. Sliding his right hand across my jaw, Max wrapped his long fingers into my hair and tilted my head back and to the side. His mouth opened over mine, taking the kiss to a whole other level. I held onto his biceps as our tongues tangled together.

Max shifted his hands down my back and wrapped them around my waist. He pulled me over the console until I rested against his chest. I was a heartbeat away from inviting him inside when Max changed the tempo of the kiss from hot and hungry to sweet and soothing. He kissed each corner of my mouth then rested his forehead against mine.

“I should let you get inside.”

He loosened his hold on my waist, and I slid back into my seat. I nodded and watched as he stepped out of the truck. My fingers tingled when he helped me down and walked me to the door.

“I’ll pick you up at six tomorrow?”


Leaning forward, he kissed me on the cheek and stepped back while I opened the door. He nodded then turned and walked back to the truck. I watched as he climbed behind the steering wheel and waved before closing the door.

I filled a tumbler with ice and added water then headed up to my room. After setting the drink on my desk, I walked into the bathroom, plugged the tub, and turned on the water. After hiking, not to mention all my other activities, a good soak will feel good.

Digging through the welcome basket Aunt Winnie made me, I found Epsom salts and tossed two handfuls into the water. Just for good measure, I added a few drops of lavender essential oil. Soon a scented steam filled the room. I stripped then stepped into the water, taking time to adjust to the heat. My low moan echoed through the room as I rested my head against the edge of the tub.

I closed my eyes and thought about the day. When Max invited me out for a hike, I never expected to end up at his place having sex…three times. Well technically two and a half, I guess. I’d shocked myself with that. Oral sex has never been high on my list of things to do, but it seems that’s changed. It seems a lot has changed.

My mouth curled into a smile at that last thought. After years of no sex, I couldn’t get enough. And what I’d expected to be awkward was an amazing experience. I have Max to thank for that.

He mentioned more than once that he wants to get to know me better and see where this can go. I’m all for the former but not sure about the latter. After all, I have a life on the other side of the country. But I’m not going to obsess on that right now. I’ll just enjoy spending time with Max and take things as they come.

I flexed my pruney fingers and decided it was time to get out. After pulling out the stopper with my toes, I stood, then stepped out of the tub and wrapped myself in a fluffy robe.

I studied my reflection in the mirror as I towel-dried my hair. I’m sure my rosy glow isn’t only from the hot bath. There’s nothing like great sex to add color to your cheeks.

Rummaging through the welcome basket again, I found the bottle of lotion and slathered it all over my damp skin. Once that soaked in, I shrugged into a comfy T-shirt and joggers.

I walked across the room and settled into the chair behind the desk. Opening my laptop, I clicked on the file I’d started for my new book. The notebook where I’d “semi-plotted” sat open next to my right hand. I looked down at it and deciphered my handwriting then set my fingers on the home keys and started to type.

* * *


I finished mixingthe concrete and set the hoe down in the wheelbarrow. I’ve wanted to get a cement mixer for years, but Pop likes to do things the old-fashioned way. I tend to pick my battles and that one didn’t make the list. Besides, it’s a good workout.