Page 15 of Summer Swoon

“Well, I know what I’m having,” I said when the waitress walked away.

“Me too.”

She set her menu on the table and folded her hands in front of her.

“So how are you enjoying Seaside so far?”

“I haven’t done much, other than the occasional walk on the beach,” she said. “That’s

something I definitely don’t get to do at home, so it’s been nice.”

The waitress returned with our drinks and we gave our orders. Once she left, I picked up the conversation again.

“Where is home?”

“Pennsylvania. Scranton specifically.”

“Scranton? LikeThe Office?”

“One and the same.”

“That’s pretty cool.”

She shrugged.

“It’s home.”

“So what brought you here for the summer?”

“Aunt Winnie invited me.”

Her blue eyes searched mine, as if she was trying to decide if she should reveal more. I must have passed some kind of test because she continued.

“I’m an author, but I’ve been having trouble writing. She thought the change of scenery would help.”

“Has it?”

“Not yet.”

“You’ve only been here a short time. Once Seaside soaks in, you’ll be good.” She crossed her index and middle fingers as she took a drink of water. “What do you write?”

“Romance novels.”

That’s not what I was expecting, but romance novels make up a huge chunk of the book market. Someone has to write them. Through appetizers and most of our main course, I asked about her career. How she got started. Where she comes up with story ideas. Who’s her favorite character she’s written.

She answered the last question but before I could ask another, held her hand up halting my words.

“Enough about me. Tell me about you.”

“There’s really not much to tell. I moved here about twelve years ago and started working with Pop.”

“Where did you live before?”

“My mom moved to California when she was pregnant with me. She still lives there,” I added before she had to ask.

“What made you move here?”

There’s a lot that goes into that answer, but this is a first date, so I’ll keep it light.