Itseemsperfectly reasonable when we lay it all out like this. Lord knows, I need a job soon. Since my shitty former boss has been telling everyone that I’m a disruptive troublemaker, I’ve barely gotten an interview all week. My savings won’t last long, and who knows when another opportunity like this might come along?
But deep down, I know, reason isn’t the voice whispering in my ear, urging me on, telling me to throw caution to the wind and embark on this wild, reckless escapade.
No, the truth is, I’ve had a taste of Other Jennifer’s fabulous life, being respected and pursued, and admired for the first time, well, ever.
And I want more.
“Okay,” I blurt, feeling excitement racing through my veins. “Maybe I could give it a week to prove I’ve got the chops for this job. Then, I’ll tell Austin that I’ve realized there was a mix-up and hope he understands?”
“Yes!” Millie cheers. “And by then, you’ll have wowed them even more, plus made him fall in love with you.”
“Easy there,” I laugh. “Let’s not get carried away.”
“But I thought that’s exactly what you want Austin to do,” Millie smirks, reminding me of those magnificent arms. “So you’re going to do it?” she asks.
And, God help me, I nod. “A week, to prove myself.” I decide. “Two, max.”
Millie lifts her wine glass, and we cheers to my temporary plan. What could go possibly wrong?
* * *
For my firstday of work, I dig deep into my closet’s not-for-SNZ section. I select a sheath dress that still has tags on it. If I had worn it at my former workplace, a lawyer twice my age would have remarked, “Ooh, someone’s got a hot date later.” But today? I do have a date—with destiny. I’m wearing a new dress for a new day at Vital.
During my new commute, I get in the zone. I’m totally capable of this—I have to be. This is my serendipitous chance to steer my career back on-track. If I can dazzle Austin in a week or two, hopefully he’ll laugh off the mix-up and want me to stay. It’s like an audition, I decide. For the new, amazing chapter in my life.
At the spa, they’re peeling down the tarps in the lobby, revealing smooth concrete walls inside. A painting crew is on ladders, painting the side wall a chic shade of grey. Shelves are propped against another wall, waiting to their turn to be installed.
I’m still glancing around when the young woman from the Hamptons event appears. “Jennifer, hey!”
I think fast. “Paloma, right?”
“Yup,” she beams, dressed in casual linen pants and a T-shirt. “Let me just say, we are soooo happy to have you aboard. We were supposed to hire someone months ago, but, well, you know Austin.”
“Not yet, really,” I say, but she’s already leading me back upstairs, to the level I caught a glimpse of during my interview. There’s a snack bar groaning with healthy treats and smoothies. It turns out that one of the bright, breezy, glass-walled offices is mine. And not just any of them, but one of the nicest, with a seating area, view out over the city, and a trendy wall of grasses bringing a splash of green color inside.
“And this is you,” Paloma says brightly. “I’m right next door. I’ll be getting you settled in until you have a chance to hire an assistant. I put everything in a packet for you. And there’s a serious discount for the treatments downstairs, should you need some rejuvenation. In fact, we’re encouraged to try them right now, all costs covered before opening. You know, as a training for the therapists.”
“Are you kidding me?” I blurt out—and immediately feel embarrassed for the outburst.
But Paloma grins, “I know, right?”
I collect myself and try to look managerial. “Thanks for orientation,” I say. “I look forward to getting to know each other.”
Once she’s gone, I spin around, taking it all in. This is so much nicer than my office at SNZ, there’s no comparison. And as I flip through the welcome packet, my eyes get wider. Complimentary meals at the soon-to-be-opened restaurant, credit for wellness and mental health treatments, personal ‘chill’ days… And all this is in addition to Austin’s very generous benefits package.
It’s like I’ve died and gone to Dream Job heaven.
I take a quick, 360-video for Millie and send it with nothing but exclamation points.
Then I sink into a comfortable, surprisingly chic desk chair to find there’s a notecard on my desk beside the vase of fresh-cut sunflowers.
Welcome to Vital. Thrilled to have you on-board. I’ve got meetings this morning—none as fun as the massage or helicopter ride, sadly—but will check later. Have a great first day.
It’s a thoughtful touch. I read it again, taking in his pleasantly dramatic handwriting, with its sharp, decisive lines. I wonder what it says about him…