Page 81 of Baller Boss

And just that, I feel a hundred times better.

I catch my breath. “Okay,” I smile, linking my hand in his. “Bad energy cleared out. I’m ready.”

We head to Mavericks for the party, which is already in full swing. And the first décor that greets us? An enormous poster of Austin and his friends from college, blown up to almost life-size. They all have overgrown hair. Seb is in a pink polo shirt. Dash is sporting an attempt at a goatee.

I step closer to examine the details. “Are you wearing… a pukka shell necklace?” I ask Austin happily.

He coughs. “No comment.

“And… baggy skate pants?”

“It was a look!”

I laugh. Clearly, the party theme is a trip down memory lane, because there are old Polaroids pinned up everywhere, beer pong set up in a corner, and a classic pop/hip-hop mixtape blasting all the old familiar hits as people dance.

“Welcome to the time taste forgot!” We’re greeted by a handsome guy with Jell-O shot glasses in each hand. Austin quickly introduces me to Charlie, their ringleader.

“You didn’t tell me we were taking a trip down memory lane,” Austin grumbles, eyeing the photos of him as a fresh-faced teen.

“Seb is always so cultured and discerning these days,” Charlie grins. “Figured I’d remind him of the days he thought Jägermeister was a top-shelf drink.” He nods to where the birthday guy himself is holding court, head bopping to an old Nelly song.

“Funny, we seem to be missing your greatest hits,” Austin says, looking around. “What about that photo of you passed out in a compromising position with the school mascot?”

Charlie grins at me. “I don’t know what he’s talking about. I was the picture of taste and decency.”

I laugh. “I’m sure you were.”

“Please feel free to pick up your party favor at the table over there—a trucker hat with Seb’s face on it, of course. And don’t worry, this is a Jaeger-free zone.” Charlie tells me. “We’ve updated all the cocktail to be better versions of college favorites. The punch inspired by jungle juice is really a top-shelf delight.”

“You’ve thought of everything,” I smile. Just then, we’re joined by the only member of Austin’s friend group that I haven’t met. I recognize him from the baby face in the college photos—this must be Flynn, down to the rugged vibe and flannel shirt.

“Do you see this bullshit?” he asks Austin, gesturing to the photos with a grin. “So weird that we’re the only ones looking like damn fools.”

“I bet Grace knows where the incriminating photos are hidden,” Austin suggests, and Flynn perks up.

“Good point.”

Charlie’s smile slips. “Now, wait a minute…”

“You asked for it, buddy.” Flynn slaps him on the back, and then greets me. “And you must be the lovely Jenn.”

“Nice to meet you,” I smile. “This place is beautiful—and so is the Vital build. Especially those floors.”

“Ah,” Flynn says, hand to his chest. “Thank you for noticing. The way to my heart.”

“… Is through complimenting his wood,” Charlie finishes.

I laugh.

“Let’s get you drinks,” Charlie says, clearly in his element as host. “You’re going to need one. Especially if you wind up doing karaoke later.”

“There’s karaoke?” I gulp.

“Don’t worry,” Austin murmurs in my ear, “Once Dash gets the mic, we’re all off the hook.”

“Phew.” I say, “Because you do not want to hear my ‘Don’t Stop Believin’.”

For the next hour,Austin takes my hands and introduces me to everyone. It’s a fun group, clearly all loyal friends, and it’s fun to sit back and watch them riff and joke with each other.