I gently grab her wrist so I can look and see what kind of damage she did, but she quickly jerks it out of my hold, taking a few steps toward my dad.

“I’m sorry I’m making a scene,” she tells him and then quickly thinks better of it. “You know what? No, I’m not. This is who I am—take it or leave it. I’m not about to let some asshole insult the man I… insult your son.”

She was going to say the man she loves; I just know it. But I was an idiot, and I ruined everything.

“But Iamsorry this jerk is here because of me.”

“Does anyone even care that I’m fuckingbleeding?” Asher shouts from the ground, and since no one cares, everyone ignores him as Danny continues.

“I know you don’t like me, and I know you think I’m a bad influence on Ryan, and maybe I am. But whatever you do, don’t make any deals with Asher. He’s a liar, and he’s a greedy, manipulative jerk who just wants to take advantage of you and this amazing island. I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t believe me, but please, check with other small towns the Brewster Development Company has gotten their hands on, and you’ll see I’m telling you the truth. Don’t let them ruin this beautiful place.”

My father doesn’t say a word, and when I try to reach for Danny again, she backs away from me, her eyes staying on mine just long enough that I almost forget how to speak. But I have a lot of things to say to her right now, and I’m not going to be a wuss about it any longer.

“Danica, I—”

“Spare me,” she cuts me off with an adorable roll of her eyes before turning in a huff and walking right out the doors of city hall, disappearing into the sunshine.

Yesterday, I felt like I wanted to curl up into a ball and die when she walked away from me. Now, all I can do is smile that she used a bowling pun on me before she left.

“I love her so freaking much.”

“Of course you do.” My dad sighs from right next to me before waving Spencer over and then pointing down at Asher. “Spencer, take care of this mess, please.”

“Can I rough him up a little bit more?” Spencer asks my dad as he leans down and grabs Asher’s arm, jerking him up to his feet more aggressively than necessary. “Danny can’t have all the fun around here.”

“You’reallfucking crazy!” Asher shouts, yanking his arm out of Spencer’s hold before stomping away across the lobby and out the doors, whining the entire way about the blood all over his expensive shirt and how this island is filled with a bunch of losers.

“I don’t want to be mayor.”

The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them, and I don’t even feel bad when my dad gasps. Just being in Danny’s presence for five minutes made me feel strong, and happy, and free, but she was right last night. I can’t keep taking her strength away from her. I have to find my own and finally use it.

After a few quiet minutes, when the employees go back to work after the excitement is over, my dad finally sighs. “I know.”

Now it’s my turn to gasp, and my eyes widen in shock when I look at him, wondering if Asher got to him before I could.

“I’m your father. I raised you. You don’t think I know when my son doesn’t want to do something or isn’t happy? You don’t throw temper tantrums like you did when you were younger, but I can still see it. I can still feel it. I guess I just thought if I pushed enough, you’d change your mind. Which is probably exactly where I went wrong with your mother. I don’t want to lose you too.”

I feel bad that I’m letting him down and hurting him, but not bad enough to take the words back now that they’re finally free.

“You’ll never lose me. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere. I don’t think Ieverwanted to be mayor. I just didn’t realize it until recently. And just so you know, it was long before Danny even got here. She has nothing to do with my decision,” I explain to him, hoping he also sees, feels, and knows just how wonderfulsheis. “Did you know I was never invited to any parties in high school? Or college, for that matter. I never had friends, and I never got to let loose, or have fun, or figure out who I even am or what makes me happy. I was too concerned about being the perfect son and becoming the next perfect mayor. But Danny lets me do all those things, and she doesn’t care if I’m perfect. She just wants me to be happy. I need you to accept that and just let me be happy, onmyterms. And I need you to let me be happy withher.”

“If she’ll still have you. You fucked up,” Spencer reminds me with a pat on the back.

“What did you do?” Dottie asks me again. “Leigh Ann Ritchey called Betsy Leff, who called Julie Repitor, who called me, but I had to hang up on her when the fireworks started here.”

“Whatever he did, I’m sure he’s going to fix it… and probably make a scene doing it.” My dad sighs again, and I just smile at him.


“Just don’t get any more tattoos,” he mutters.

“I make no promises. I will, however, try to avoid my dick flopping in the breeze this time.”

“That’s all I can hope for at this point.”