Danny is quiet long enough that I quickly try to come up with another idea that doesn’t sound like a total nerd planned this date.

“I was hoping that’s what you’d say.” She finally smiles at me. “I haven’t bowled inyears.I’m looking forward to kicking your ass.”

Once again, Danny surprises me as she lifts her hand and flags the waitress down for our check, and my nerves flutter away.

“Repeat after me:I want to fuck your brains out.”

“Will you lower your voice!” I whisper-yell, looking around to make sure no one heard Spencer, while the two of us lean against the bar at the bowling alley. “Why are you even here? You hate bowling.”

“Just wanted to make sure you didn’t crash and burn on your date.” Spencer’s eyes flicker over to Melanie at the other end of the bar, who looks a little frazzled as she quickly fills drink orders for one of the Friday night leagues, and I smile at him.

“Uh-huh, sure. And it has nothing to do with Dale’s new employee you haven’t taken your eyes off since you got here?”

Spencer huffs out a laugh, taking a quick sip from his bottle of beer.

“Definitely not. She’s a pain in the ass,” he mutters before turning the focus back on me.

“Why are you here at the bowling alley, instead of at home, fucking your date’s brains out?”

“How many times do I need to have this conversation with you?” I mutter, taking a drink of my own beer to cool down how hot my body suddenly feels, while visions of me pounding away between Danny’s legs while they’re wrapped around my waist dance in my head.

“Don’t blame me because you brought her out in public. You snoozed, and now she’s over there, flirting with Dale.”

My beer bottle smacks down on top of the bar, and my head whips around to look where Spencer is pointing, right in front of the concession stand counter across from the bar. I left Danny to go pick out what ball she wanted to use, while I got us some drinks. I should feel even more comfortable being at Wavy Lanes with her, since this is my happy place, but I’ve been second-guessing everything I do since we got here.

I just want to run my hands all over her, and I want to pull her up against me again, and I definitely want to kiss the heck out of her. I suddenly don’t remember what’s acceptable behavior on a first date, but I’m pretty sure punching the owner of the bowling alley for currently saying something that makes her laugh isn’t on the list of approved behaviors. I’ve never been a jealous man in my life. Emily was a professional cheerleader who would get hit on by everyone from professional athletes to famous actors, and I would just laugh it off when she’d tell me. But when Dale puts his hand on Danny’s shoulder and gives it a squeeze, my chest feels tight and my skin gets hot, and I suddenly have the urge to rip his arm off his body and beat him with it.

Pushing away from the bar, I storm away from a laughing Spencer and across the room, until I move right up behind Danny. Sliding my hand around her waist, I tug her back against me until that sexy ass of hers is nestled right against my crotch, calculating a few problems in my head as I smile at Dale over her shoulder.

“Hi! We’re on a date. How’s your girlfriend?”

Jesus, why didn’t you just come over here and piss all over her leg, Ryan?

Dale lets out a chuckle, and I switch over to calculus in my brain when Danny’s body just sort of melts right into the front of mine, snuggling herself even closer.

“Wendy’s great. She’s right over there in Lane 4 with her sister, waving at us.” Dale gives me a knowing smile over my ridiculous jealousy. “You two have a good evening. I’ve got you guys set up on Lane 2. Danny, I’ll see you on Monday.”

I can’t even stop the low growl that comes out of me when Dale walks away, and I feel Danny laugh against me as she slowly turns around to face me. Her body brushes against mine as she moves, since I’ve still got my arm locked tight around her waist, and there’s absolutely no point trying to do math in my head. My dick has a mind of his own, and right nowFuck math and fuck her insteadis the only thought going through both of our heads once Danny is pressed up against me from her chest down to her thighs.

She rests her hands on my chest and looks up at me, and I hope to God she can’t feel the thundering of my heart under her palms.

Or maybe Idowant her to feel it. Maybe I want her to know how much she drives me crazy in a good way, and how difficult it is being this close to her and not taking what I want.

And I want her.

“Are you jealous?”

“No!” I quickly blurt out, then sigh. “Yes. Maybe…?”

Danny pushes up on her toes, and one of her hands slides up my chest and over my shoulder to wrap around the back of my neck as she leans in and presses her mouth right against my ear. My arm tightens around her, and my free hand comes up to grip her hip, wanting to tug the lower half of her against me until she can feel what she’s doing to me.

“You have no reason to be jealous,” Danny speaks softly, her warm breath skating over the shell of my ear and making me dig my fingers into the flesh of her hip so I don’t start humping her in public. “I’m right where I want to be, with the only person I want to be with.”

She pulls back to look at me and smile, and my heart is racing so fast I feel like I might need to sit down soon.

“You ready to bowl?” All I can do is nod as Danny pulls away from me and starts walking toward our lane. Glancing back at me over her shoulder, she gives me a wink. “Then let’s go! It’s time for me to start fondling some balls.”

I choke out a laugh as I remember how to make my feet move and follow behind her, my nice-guy control slipping with every single minute I spend with her.