Chapter 6

“See you in 5-7 business days.”

Ryan:Did you make it back to the hotel okay?

Danica:I did. Shocking, considering all of the evildoers and sinister things happening in this sprawling metropolis. I actually drove by someone… holding a door open for another person. It was horrifying. I barely made it back alive.

Ryan:Okay, so Summersweet Island isn’t exactly Chicago. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to worry.

Danica:Well, thank you. I’m not really used to people worrying about me.

Ryan:You’re welcome. Now, ask me anything.

Danica:Uh, what?

Ryan:You’re nervous about living with a guy you don’t know. Totally understandable. I just want to make you feel comfortable, so… ask me anything. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, so I won’t feel like a stranger anymore.

Danica:What’s the biggest regret you have in life?

Ryan:Jeez, going right for the big guns, aren’t you?

Danica:Go big or go home.

Ryan:All right then. I guess… going along with things I don’t really want to do, just to make other people happy.

Danica:I’m going to assume letting a stranger stay with you is at the top of that list.

Ryan:So glad you said it before me. What a nightmare she’s going to be.

Danica:Ha ha, you’re hilarious.

Ryan:Okay, my turn.

Danica:That’s not how this works. This is all about you, buddy.

Ryan:You don’t think I’M nervous about living with a stranger too? You’re very murdery. I’m already worried about the things you do now, when you aren’t living under the same roof as me.

Danica:I see your point. You may proceed.

Ryan:Do you like fisting in the rain?

Danica:Jesus. Talk about coming in hot. I gotta say, that doesn’t sound very pleasant at all.

Ryan:OMG NO! Walking! I typed WALKING. I swear to God I did not type that.

Danica:Uh-huh. Sure.

Ryan:Don’t look me in the eyes for at least 5-7 business days. This is mortifying.

Danica:Only on business days? So Saturdays are a go for eye contact and rain-fisting. Got it.

Ryan:You’re such a comedian.

Danica:I also enjoy WALKING in the rain. As long as it isn’t freezing cold.

Ryan:Ask me another question before I die of embarrassment.

Danica:What’s your middle name?