Chapter 4


“Go eat a dick.”

Cock-Sucking Asshole:This has gone on long enough, Tins. It’s ridiculous. Just come home.

Cock-Sucking Asshole:You made your point, okay? If you come back to Chicago now, we can just forget this ever happened.

Tristan:Asher said you’re still not replying to his texts. Will you give the guy a break? You ruined his life. At least answer him. I know you two can still work things out. You HAVE to work it out, Tinsley.

Rolling my eyes as I walk down Summersweet Lane, I try to tamp down my irritation as I look away from my phone.

The sun set about an hour ago, and all the colorful lights from the business fronts are flashing and shining up and down the main drag. Island music is playing from a speaker mounted above the tourist information booth across the street, while people are laughing, talking, and taking in the sights all around me. The bells and whistles from Hang Five Arcade ring out as someone opens the door when I walk by, and golf carts putter by on the street.

My stomach growls when my nose catches the scent of greasy fried foods, and my mouth waters when I walk by a funnel cake booth. Everything about the sights, sounds, and smells of this small vacation island should put me in a good mood, but the texts sitting on my phone make it feel like someone just put five-hundred pounds of pressure and anxiety on my shoulders.

“I love your hair and tattoos!”

The compliment from a random woman walking by me on the sidewalk throws me for a loop. She’s almost a block away before I can shout an awkward “Thank you!” back to her over my shoulder.

Everyone on this island is so nice.

Deciding to actually listen to my brother for once, I click back on the last text from that cock-sucking asshole, and I finally reply to him after the countless texts he’s sent me that have gone unanswered.

Me:Go eat a dick.

Smiling to myself after I hit Send and feeling like some of that weight lifted off my shoulders, I shove my phone back in the pocket of my shorts. And then my feet stutter to a stop in front of the ice cream stand where I’m supposed to be meeting Laura. It looks like a huge party is happening under the awning of the outdoor seating area, and I feel a little weird walking up there when I don’t know anyone. The picnic tables are filled with happy, laughing people who chat over plates of food, along with a ton of other people standing around in groups, deep in conversation. I shift the large, framed canvas under my arm while I scan the crowded area, looking for Laura.

“Hi, Danny! We’re back here!”

I nod to Laura at one of the far-back picnic tables when she shouts to me, with her hand waving up in the air. Stepping under the awning, I turn my body to the side and shuffle through all the people, careful not to hit anyone with the large glass frame under my arm. I slowly make my way through the crowd in Laura’s direction, smiling and nodding at everyone I pass as they greet me like they know me and as if I’ve just shown up to celebrate with them.

I get stuck behind a guy standing in front of a picnic table, talking to everyone seated around it, and I let out a little sigh that he’s blocking the aisle and I can’t get around him. Something about him seems familiar, but I’m assuming I’ve probably seen him around town somewhere the last few days. Reaching my hand up to tap him on the shoulder and ask him to move, he turns around to face me before my hand gets to him.


The nickname flies out of my mouth before I can stop it.

Holy shit! It’s the guy from the pizza place! What are the odds?

“Nut job?” he replies in just as much shock, making me smile as his eyes scan my face. My entire body heats when his eyes drop right to my mouth and just get stuck there.

Warm, soft lips, his grip on the back of my neck, the smell of his cologne, his strong arms holding me against him, the fucking growl that came out of him when he looked down at my lips after the kiss ended….Everything from that moment the other day comes rushing back as I stand here staring at him, half tempted to throw myself at him and make him kiss me again.

“Do you two know each other?” Laura asks from the table on the other side of this one. “Wait. Is this your girlfriend that we’re finally meeting?”

Girlfriend? What the shit? This guy has a girlfriend? And he goes around kissing strangers like that in public? I don’t know why I’m even surprised. All men are cheating bastards.

He quickly turns around to face Laura, while I glare at the back of his head.

“What? No! Oh my God,no! Ha ha, that would be crazy! No. Nope. Definitely not,” He quickly answers her with an awkward laugh.

This motherfucker….

What’s so crazy about me being his girlfriend? Aside from the fact that he already fucking has one! Sure, he looks like a clean-cut boy scout who wouldn’t hurt a fly, in his neatly pressed khakis, polo shirt, and perfectly styled dirty-blonde hair, and I’m seriously contemplating smashing the frame under my arm against the edge of the closest table and stabbing him with a shard of glass, but still.

“Never seen him before in my life,” I finally mutter, wishing I could make someone’s head explode from the power of my stare alone. “He just looks like a nerd.”